Chapter Five

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The next morning Ryan awoken to the sight of an 'island' in the horizon and began paddling with his hands then remembered the night before and withdrew them from the water. And then he noticed the familiar face peering up at him from beneath the oceans surface. Ryan waved to her and she waved back with a smile.

Soon the shark, Mileena swam up and leaned on the side of the boat and sighed happily as she put her head in her hands. "Hi. I'm Ryan, and you're name is?" Asked Ryan.


Ryan smiled and said, "That's a beautiful name."

Mileena blushed and looked away as Ryan smiled and opened up one of his bags and opened a can of nuts and ate his lunch. "Would you like some?" He asked Mileena slightly unsure if she was omnivorous.

"No thanks. Just had some sushi, if you know what I mean." She laughed.

Ryan nodded and then offered her if she would like to sit in the life boat. She declined politely and said she had to go before the others drag her under and left, leaving a lonely Ryan by himself. He put away the nuts and pulled out a bottle of water, took a sip and put it back. He closed his eyes and fell back to sleep.

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