Once upon a time...

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It was a beautiful spring day outside. Children were running along, going their own way. Flowers were blooming, Birds were singing. A lovely day for a nice game of catch between twins. Though the two were new to the sleepy town of Gravity Falls, they had already heard stories of Mt Ebott. Legend has it that long ago, creatures called 'monsters' lived in harmony with the humans. War between the two races rang out, ending with the monsters being sealed below. Rumors buzzed around that if you wandered into the woods, monsters would lead you into the underground. Everybody that roamed the woods were never again sighted. On this fateful day, the two clueless children stopped what they were doing. The two decided that it would be fun to go into the woods, a monster hunt. With bravery and determination, the two set out on their journey.

Upon entering the forbidden, shadowed area, the two stuck together like a fly to wax paper. They roamed the area, scanning it for any danger. In the shadows, they swore that they saw a pair of eyes. All of a sudden, they heard whispering. "Come on, then. Are you not brave enough?" "Show your determination, human." "What are you, scared?" The two were lulled into a false sense of defensiveness, following the voices. As they neared their downfall, the whispers got nicer. "Come join us, children." "Don't be afraid, we don't bite." They were lost.

Not knowing their way back, the two decided that the voiced would lead them to safety. Perhaps they were just local teenagers in the area looking to pick on younger crowds; Or they found the hidden children of Gravity Falls. Twin footsteps made their way along the path, the children climb up to the cave. Taking a quick moment to pause and look back behind them, they found their home. Before one could tell the other that they could go home, they were already gone. Behind the child was a hole, seemingly into the alleged 'Underground'.

One of the children was near falling. Their bravery was overtaking them, nearly falling in. Luckily, their twin jumped over to stop them. "Are you crazy?! What if you fell in?" The more determined of the two stood, brushing themselves off. With a playful chuckle, the braver stood. "Relax, I wouldn't have fallen in!" With a playful shove, their fate was sealed. Down below, the child fell. Gravity weighed down on them, causing them to quickly plummet down into the seemingly dark abyss. It was the other's fault- They had pushed their twin down below. Not knowing what to do, they didn't turn to bravery. They didn't jump down after. They ran, down the path, through the forest. They did what they could- There wasn't much that could be done for a fallen child.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2016 ⏰

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