Tis Hallows Eve

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Come one come all

to bear witness this fall,

of Pumpkin heads

and horrid dreads,

to ghouls and ghosts,

and queerly fashioned hosts.

The night has set the mood,

Inviting out little monsters with sugary foods.

As superheroes and demons share the streets,

Scurrying from one door to the next with their little feets.

From the bucket take a treat of one,

But be wary the tricks of some.

For teens full of wonder,

An old film post Dracula's slumber.

Before the circle of tell-all spooky tales,

Ending with the sounds of gasps and wails.

So fear the phantom of your darkest nightmare,

For it will tear your lightly colored dreams asunder.

Adult folks spend their time sipping poison,

None of them leave until there's an empty cauldron.

Dressed as hansom Frank's and sexy witches,

Enjoying each other's company until the poison gives the itches.

When hands morph into creepy spiders

The blanket of a corporeal ghost smothers.

Now I know you might find this season festive and fun,

But when you step out into the night be prepared to run.

For what howls at the full moon in the night,

Or lurks deep in the forest, is sure to give you a fright.

You can tell yourself that the Undead are not True

Until that ghoul, ghost, or zombie hand comes for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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