2 Warrior

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Deacons POV

I watched as Scarlett's body shook and she let out a pain filled scream. She shifted into a plain silver wolf with red eyes.

She stalked toward the rouge and tried to tackle him. But, he dodged and jumped onto my back. Scarlett's snarl made me stop struggling to get him off. She jumped on top of the rouge and this time actually tackled him down.

I knew her wolf was in control but the red eyes didn't make sense. She wasn't a rouge. Was she?

I laid down on the grass and was forced to watch my mate fight a extremely dangerous rouge. They had circled each other and then went at each other. In a few minutes the rouge had caught Scarlett across the snout. A low snarl erupted in her chest and she had the rouges neck in her mouth in a millisecond. She winced and snapped the rouges neck looking down at her stomach. Blood poured out of her stomach.

She slowly shifted back to her human form and collapsed. She was staring at dads dead body like she was in physical pain. Her eyes slowly shut. I whimpered and walked over to her body. I nudged her with my snout.

She didn't move.

I shifted back and picked her up. I didn't care that everyone was watching me. I ran to the pack doctor.

"Get me the closest room and our best doctor!" I yelled at them.

A lady puffed up her boobs and walked to a room. I shook my head.

As soon as I walked in she closed the door and I swear she was eye raping me. I grimaced in disgust.

"Quit it you have a mate that wouldn't approve of this I know." I growled, "Get out."

She huffed and walked out of the room.

"Hello prince Deacon where is your father?" Asked a doctor. I grimaced and looked away.

"Umm h-he's dead." I stuttered. I struggled to not break down into tears.

"What did she come in for this time?" The doctor said looking at Scarlett.

"A rouge cut her stomach open." I looked down at Scarlett. The doctor just sighed and took off the shirt she had on. I growled when he touched her.

He raised a brow at me. "Prince no offense but if your gonna keep making me want to run away I suggest you step out of the room while I stitch and wrap her up."

I sighed and stepped out of the room while he fixed her up.

3 hours later

The doctor walked out of the room allowing me to walk in. I sighed and Scarlett jumped. Her head snapped toward me and I noticed the tears in her eyes.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

She didn't answer. Just looked away and out the window next to her.

"I failed your father." She whispered.

"What do you mean?" I was curious now.

"I'm sworn to your family to protect you. But I failed. I couldn't save your father." She whimpered.

"Why didn't my father tell me this."

"Because he was mad at you. I've lived for 349 years wishing and hoping I had a loving mate out there but when I met you you rejected me. And that's when I actually gave up hope. I didn't care if I died. I would swap your father positions any chance I get. I served your family ever since it started. All the kings and queens I served treated me like their own daughter. In return I was their warrior and oath sworn protector. But, I guess you can shun me now. It just means I won't be your warrior or protector. I'd just be a rouge hybrid." She explained.

Scarlett's POV

I looked up at Deacon. I expected him to shun me. But, no. He might use me to keep him alive.

"I can't do that to you Scarlett. I have regretted that rejection the past 3 days. I take back that rejection." Deacon said calmly and took me into his arms as I sobbed my heart out.

Deacon patted my back reassuringly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as me sobs died down to hiccups.

"I have to go do some paperwork for MidnightMoon pack to come over. I'll be back tomorrow." Deacon said softly.

"Please don't leave me." I whimpered.

He sighed and smiled down at me.

His eyes glazed over for a few minutes and a nurse walked in. Obviously a slut.

Her boobs were puffed up and she swayed her hips too much.

As she grabbed my wrist to disconnect me from everything she ripped out the IV causing me to flinch. She smiled to herself.

Deacon growled at her and she cowered.

"S-shes free to go,sir." She whimpered.

She glared at me quickly and left the room the same way she came in.

But not before she brushed her arm with Deacons. I growled lowly.

"Didn't know you were possessive." Deacon chuckled.

"You can't say much. Possessive basterd." I said.

"Awe you still love me." He smirks. I sighed.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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