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why me why the fuck me? why do i have to be perfect why do i alwasys have to do the best why am so wortheless and messed and fukeed up why? i failed the math test i got an F and the just broke me. dads gonna be dissapointed i kept thinking that. i mean he always say to work hard but i cant im to broken and nobody nows how i feel nobody understands that i cant DO EVERYTHING. i cant and i just broke i couldnt take it they tell me ask for help but then when i ask for help they say explain it. HOW CAN I EXPLAIN IT IF IM ASKING FOR HELP. but no nobody gets that they say well if your asking for help you should no what your doing wrong. WELL I FUCKING DONT i mean honestly they think im supposed to do everything and all i ever do is try to  make them proud cant theyy see that?!?! I do all this crap for them. I PLAY 5 FUCKING INSTURMENTS ?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?x!!!!!!!!!! for them and what do i get? a " How come i havent seen your saxaphone home in a while?" or a "PRACTICE MORE" GODDDD  JUST CMON ALREADY .   LIFE I THINK I COMPLETELY GRASP THE FACT THAT YOU ARE UNFAIR SO STOP TEACHING ME THAT LESSON. I cant take it i mean i wonder if its to late to suicide. i mean i knew exactly which spot on my wrist that will seffer a main blood vain and i know exactly which pills to take and how many i need to take? so why cant i do it i mean i try and try but i always some messed up way get stopped and its NOT FAIR i just want to die in peace god damn it!

DarknessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora