Chapter one

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I shook my head. I'd already been to see 4 horses this week, and not one of them has caught my eye. I feel like I'm being a pain, but dad insists that it's vital to get the right horse for me. My mom still doesn't understand my obsession.

I started lessons when I was 5, on the stubborn little Shetland, Cracker. He was the biggest pain in the neck I've ever ridden, but boy did he teach me a lot. I used to get off, and nearly fall to the ground, with the amount I used to need to use my chubby little 5 year old legs. I would give him a kiss, then run to my mums little KA car, to go and visit my breyers. I had 7. Aimee, Snowball, Dancer, Amber, Pippa, Lucy and Dusty. All of them a Christmas present from my mom. But it wasn't as good as the real thing. Each and every Christmas, I would beg for a pony of my own, and each Christmas morning wake up desperate to find a pony under our second hand tree, but it never happened.

One day, a few weeks after my 13 year old self had returned to school after yet again another pony-less Christmas break, the phone rang. I was home alone so I picked it up.
"Hello?" A deep voice asked on the other line.
"Umm hello?" I replied.
"El is that you?" The strangers voice questioned.
"Yeah... who are you?" I asked back.
"El it's dad. I saw you compete on that little chestnut on Sunday, is it yours?"
I paused for moment before replying,
"No.. he's Paula's. Sparky he's called."
"You don't have a pony of your own?" My dad asked, sounding surprised.
"No, I don't. I ride at the local riding school, and Paula fell off Sparky in her earlier class, she hurt her wrist. She said she didn't want to waste her entry money, she she said I can ride Sparky."
"Makes sense. Is your mom around? I need to have a chat with her."
"Not at the moment, but I can give you her mobile if you like," I said.
"Yes please,"

I gave my dad my moms number And then pulled on my boots, suddenly feeling the urge to go visit the ponies. I walked the 10 minutes to the yard, where I found Donna, the owner in the office.
"Alright Donna," I said.
"Oh Ellie, didn't see you there. Are you okay?"
"Yeah fine. Wanted to come see Annie."
Annie was my favourite school pony. She was a little 14.1 black fell, who I had fallen in love with in my first lesson on her.
"She hasn't had any lessons today. You can have a sit on her if you like, work on some bounces. I don't want her to rot away in that wretched stable of hers,"
"Oh yes please Donna, Thankyou!" I said, before running out of the office, making a beeline for the tackroom. I picked up her tan leather saddle, with her matching bridle, and boots. I grabbed a grooming bag and walked to her stable.
"Annieeee," I called. She stuck her pretty black head over the door, looking for treats. I fed her a polo, then let myself into her stable. I ran a brush over her soft coat, and brushed her silky tail. I placed her red saddle pad on her back, followed by her saddle. I slipped her bridle on, then buckled up my helmet.

Once out in the arena, I worked on getting Annie into a nice outline in walk, then began to trot her. She was going perfectly, until my phone began to ring. She shot forward a little, startled by the sudden noise. I steadied her, then lifted my phone from my pocket.
"Mom 💕" the contact read. I answered.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hi El, when will you be home?" She asked.
"Hour maybe, why?" I said.
"I've got some news. Get home as soon as please, love" she said, before hanging up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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