The Hidden Chamber

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You know whenever you watch a horror movie and you always say to that one person, don't go in to the basement!  Then they do and you are screaming at the TV and accusing them of being so stupid? Well, I'm that person. But, I guess I'm getting a little ahead of myself ( Don't we all?) Let's start at the beginning.  Let me introduce myself. Hi,  I'm Annette Tyler, welcome to my life.

Out the window,  I watch as the palm trees of California fade to the magnolia trees of Ferngully, Wisconsin. Did you look it up? Couldn't find it? Thought so. Ferngully is the creepiest most isolated, strangely magical, oddest town ever known to Google maps, or not known, whichever. Why,  you say am I not currently residing in my beloved home in Cali? This is all due to the fact that  the Social Security workers insisted I come to Wisconsin to live with a relative, my Grandmother.

I've never met her before, and that makes this trip all the more  merrier, Right? No. "This is your stop." The taxi driver said.  He  had penetrating deep green eyes and  dark wind thrown  hair, his stare was set upon me the whole ride, staring at me from time to time in the mirror. 

Hesitating, I gulp and hand him 20 bucks, climbing out the taxi. " Umm.... Thanks." I say brushing golden hair behind my ear. He nods, staring at me for a brief second, then  drives away. I turn,  looking wearily at the place Grandmother was living in, the manor named after the town. Ferngully Mansion glittered ominously in the sunlight looking as creepy as ever. I take one glance back toward the direction of  California, then trudge up the steps to the mansion. I knock once on the golden knocker shaped as the head of a griffin, It glared at me mechanically,  chilling me to the bone. After a second knock,  the doors creak open revealing the sweet face of my Grandmother.

"Annette! You're  here so soon! Come in, come in." Grandmother says, ushering me inside. I take in my surroundings, the place is littered with mirages of mythical creatures.  It's all Griffin's, Phoenixes and Pegasi from the first floor to the east tower. It radiated a mystical aura that all led to the basement. My eyes shifted back to my strange grandmother taking in her appearance, her hair was drawn up in a messy bun streaked with mixtures of brown and gray. Her face was wrinkled and pleasant, with soft doe eyes a brilliant sparkling silver, resembling mine. She was rather odd dressing in old fashion clothes and whispering to herself every now and then, but otherwise she's nice.

" My, my you look exactly like Anastasia, you have her eyes you know, and Pierre's hair too" Grandmother exclaimed delightfully. Anastasia and Pierre, in case you didn't know were my parents. They died about a month ago in a fire, which is why I'm living with my Grandmother, the memory wasn't pleasant. I didn't really know what to say to that, so I just nodded, smiling sadly. "Well, feel free to choose any room you like" Grandmother said. "Thanks Grandmother." I say walking up the the stairs. I decided to have my room in the highest tower in the west wing. It was magical, with a giant canopy bed and a bay window for me to nap on or read, complete with a walk-in closet and bookshelf.

I sighed collapsing on the bed. My thoughts keep drifting to that strange aura leading to the basement. What's down there? After a lot of thinking I decide to check it out. I head down the thousands of flights to the basement door. Grandmother is nowhere in sight. Good sign. Wearily I open the door and head down the winding steps.  I looked around in what seemed to be a regular enough basement. I was about to head up when I noticed something strange about the wallpaper. On it, featured little creatures with wings. What're they called? Pixies! Yes, or fairies.

Looking closer, I notice a small bump in the paper. Curious, I tear at it revealing a brass doorknob with the head of a Phoenix. It glowed violently begging me to open it. I turned it . It was locked. The key, Find it! A strange voice hissed at me in my head. Finally I fled, running up the steps right into Grandmother. "Annette! Now just what were you doing in the basement!" Grandmother yelled sharply, obviously startled. " Just curious, I guess." I mumble, embarrassed. Her expression softened " Curiosity killed the cat." " But satisfaction  brought it back."  I  said. Grandmother laughed joyously.

"OK, Go on up to bed, you must be so tired." It was then that I realized just how tired I was. I stomped sleepily up the steps to my room. I collapsed on the bed once again, lost in my thoughts. What was behind that door? Tomorrow was school so I guess I'll find out In the afternoon. I shivered thinking about that voice luring me in. Nightmares here I come.

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