Chapter 5:

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Dylan sat on stage in front of the whole school. Confidence radiated from him, and he smiled at a few girls in the crowd, making them swoon. Surprise, surprise, Tessa was nowhere to be seen.
"Now I would like to welcome our two top students from Heros and Villains. The two students will tell you and debate, as to why their side is the best side." No one understood why they were making the students debate. Apparently, it was a way to make all the 'information more memorable'. Most people thought the school was asking for a bloody mess by getting two enemies to debate in front of a class. 

Dylan stood up to his stand, the empty one next to him waiting for Tessa's entrance. The hall was occupied with approximately one-thousand students. All eyes on Dylan. The girls were whispering to each other about how hot he was, and the boys were wishing they had his tattoos. The room was separated into the groups. Heroes VS Villains. A drape hung from the walls, indicating which side was which. Then, Tessa walked in.

Tessa strolled up the middle of the aisle, a cigarette in hand. She wore shades, black leather boots, jeans and a leather jacket. She took her place on stage and a small cheer emitted from the crowd.  Villains were never punctual. 

"Ladies and dickheads," Tessa began, flicking her cigarette over to Dylan's feet. 
"It's a pleasure to see your ugly faces again. I hope you're all ready to watch this bitch praise at my motherfucking feet." A loud cheer came from the villains. "Okay, you guys. You're all going to die someday. I don't know how, or who will kill you but it's inevitable." Tessa pulled out a blade from her boot and threw it across the room, landing it perfectly in between the eyes of the portrait of the founder of the school. "You're going to hold a blade. A gun. You have got a high chance of being murdered and will probably want to murder others.  Villains; Superior in my mind. We are the real controllers, unlike those spineless hoes on that side of the room." Tessa motioned towards the Hero's. "We are powerful, and we contribute to the chaos. We are the chaos. We're not in danger. We are the danger."
"Well...I can never get a word in edgeways with that girl..." Dylan muttered under his breath. 
"We get to kill bitches like her. What's not to love about that? We get to be a hero. What's not to love? Sure, you're going to have one person as your villain. Your major opposition but, 90% of the time, us heroes are better- We win. Being a villain may be fun, but you were chosen to be a hero for a reason. Plus- All the woman and men, find a hero with a great body very attractive, I would know since-"
"Okay. Thank you two for your introduction speeches for the younger years. As eleven to eighteen year olds, I expect you to respect your new found positions. Thank you."  Principal Conrad ended. Tessa dived over the podium off of the stage, tripping a few heroes as they exited their seats. She retreived her knife and awaited Dylan to come off of the stage. When he was standing in front of her, she started clapping, very, very slowly. 
"Wow. Your speech was 10/10." Her voice was laced with sarcasm, "Where did you get it from? The trash? Along with that dick tattoo of yours?" 
"Where did you get that knife from? The one that I stuck in your back getting us the same apartment?" Tessas eyes glowed amber, and sparks struck around her boots. She was using all her power, not to stick out her hand and rip his heart straight from his chest. 

"They say that even the devil is afraid of me. What have you got going for yourself?"

"The size of my dick."

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