Chapter 22

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I took off at full speed out of the park. It takes a long time to get back to the orphanage. My eyes werewe're filled with tears and I could barely see, but I kept going.

About half way to the orphanage,  I realized that he was following me. In his long black car. Although my legs felt like they were on fire, but I couldn't let him catch me.

Michael's POV

"Jason hurry! Forget about the  speed limit and step on it, that's my daughter out there!" I yelled. I don't know why mia ran away from me. I thought that she would be happy to see me after so many years of living with her mother.

You guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated things are just crazy right now but plz know that I haven't forgotten aboit you and I will try to get more chapters up

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