Morning Routine

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It was a quiet, serine morning. The sun peaked it's way through the fuzzy clouds, which were plastered over a bright, clear blue sky. Morning dawned on a forest, not too far from a broken down city. And amidst that forest, placed on top of a small hill, which loomed over a view of that forest, was a lodge. Or a cabin perhaps. 

The suns rays found themselves through the windows of the wooden house with ease, their light shinning through onto the green face of a sleeping Zamasu. And right next to him, his face buried into a pillow, silently snoring, was Black Goku. Black for short. The two had past out earlier last night, after they had gone through another battle with a group of fighters. Now they lay silently in bed, their gentle breaths lightly disturbing the air.

But almost as if instinct took charge, Zamasus eyes opened. He awoke tired, not so prepared to greet the new morning. But he shrugged off his slight discomfort momentarily, as he turned over to Black, who's body was sprawled over the bed sheets. Zamasu sighed, as he slid out of bed. He stood shakily, his bare feet touching the smooth wood floor. He yawned, his arms stretching behind his head.

Zamasu began his usual routine of making a mornings tea for both himself and Black. He didn't bother fixing his clothes or white mohawk, which had bits of hair spiking out from being uncombed. Instead, he did his own thing, taking out a simple tea kettle, lighting it on the stove. He poured in water as the stove began to heat up, before placing a single tea bag inside the kettle. He made sure to also add in a couple of spices, specially made for a good cup of tea. 

As minutes passed, and Zamasu sat waiting in a chair, a book in hand, a small, rustling shift was heard from the bed. Zamasu paid no mind to the sound, knowing fully well that Black was beginning to stir awake, the smell of fresh tea bringing his senses too life. Black awoke in a similar manner to Zamasu, only he accidentally rolled of the bed. Zamasu found himself chuckling over this new found clumsy behavior, much to an annoyed, sleepy Goku Blacks agitation. But, nonetheless, Black pushed himself off from the floor, dusting himself off. 

Black made his way to the bathroom to begin his day. He took his time stripping down, as he turned on the shower. Steam began to arouse inside the small-ish room, and Black inhaled it in, sighing contently. He stepped inside the tub and began to clean himself up.

Zamasu closed his book, as a sharp, high pitched hiss erupted from the tea kettle. He stood from his chair and made his way over to the pot. He turned off the stove, and began to take out two tea cups from the cabinets. He set them down carefully onto the counter, before taking the tea kettle. The spicy smell of newly warmed tea filled his senses, and he felt himself humming a tune, as he poured the smooth liquid into the cups. He then placed each cup on a small plate, before setting them down on a table, which was right across from the stove and counters. He took his seat once again, waiting for Black to finish himself up.

Black stared into the bathroom mirror, as he combed through his now washed hair, a towel around his waist. The steam that had covered the smooth glass was now evaporating. Black felt himself grinning, as he completed his task of combing out and fixing up his 'godly mane' as he sometimes, though rarely, liked to call it. He took a moment to grab the towel around his waist and dry himself off once more. Then, he took hold of a newly washed Gi, which had been prepared and folded on the counter. He slipped into the soft, black and grey fabric with ease, before sliding on his boots. He took one last quick check in the mirror before heading out the bathroom door. 

Zamasu exhaled in subtle relief, as he watched Black make his way out the bathroom door. The Saiyan impersonator took his seat a couple feet from Zamasu. He wrapped his hands around the tea cup, bringing it up to his lips for a sip. Zamasu followed in the same gesture, taking time to enjoy the soothing taste on his tongue. The two villains shared a moment of silence, neither worrying about the next few minutes. They simply did what they always did and enjoyed a cup of tea.

As Zamasu finished up his cup, setting it down onto the table in show, Black sighed out calmly. He stared for a second at the ceiling, seeming as though it was the most interesting thing to him at the moment. But as Zamasu stared at him, he knew that there wasn't anything of interest running through Blacks mind. The Kaioshin, who was deep in thought, was planning. Planning about what to do next. But Zamasu knew that their plan was already set, and that all they had to do was destroy Son Goku and Prince Vegeta before they could complete it. Yet Black seemed to enjoy wondering about the future. It gave him ideas and speculation of what was to come for the both of them. Then, as his mind seemed to settle, no more thoughts bugging his head, he took a sip of his tea. 

Zamasu felt himself yawning again, and he decided it was time for him to get himself ready for the day. He slid back in his chair before standing abruptly. Though Black didn't seem to pay any mind to his partner, he made a firm gesture by patting Zamasu on the back lightly, as the green Kaioshin walked past him.  Zamasu smirked at him kindly, before disappearing inside the bathroom. When he emerged, he wore a newly washed set of clothes similar to his usual ones, and his mohawk was neatly combed out. He smelled vividly of mint, the shampoo and soap he used expressing it's purpose. Black couldn't help but grin at Zamasus new fragrance.

Zamasu collected their tea cups and plates, placing them in the sink. He then turned to Black with a smile. He motioned for Black to follow him, though the Saiyan was almost already at the glass doors. Black slid the doors open with a "shhffft!". The outside air welcomed him with a breeze, and he breathed in expectantly. Zamasu followed him close behind, taking in the new day. Then, the two made eye contact, before nodding. They rose up into the air, ready to face a new challenge. Time to continue playing out the Zero Mortals Plan. 

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