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I am unique special one of a kind and I want people to realize that about me. I want them to realize that I am smart and I can answer their questions. I want people to realize that I can be the ear that while listen to them and the person that can make them laugh. That I am the person who can go on and on about my passions. That I am crazy and loud. That I am poetic and creative. That I am dark.
That I am serious. That I am sweet. That I think deep. That I can make them realize that there is so much of the world that they don't understand. And help them remember that it is okay that they don't. That they can ask me personal questions.

But, I guess at the end of the day I am waiting for them to come to me when I should go to them. But, how do you approach someone and tell them this without them misunderstanding?

Writings by a Loud Girl Who is Often QuiteWhere stories live. Discover now