your to slow

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Paige's p.o.v

I walked on side of dream and seen that she stopped and so did max. Max pointed at the place we were going to break into. "Wo-!" I said while getting cut off by a cold caramel colored hand. I knew why she did that and she smiled. " Let's go!" She whispered really low and we couldn't hear so we stayed there while she jumped on the wall. After noticing she was over the wall we quickly jumped over and seen a huge shadow. Max and I ran over to see our sister petting a huge snake. "Oh my Angeles"max said talking about our God.

        With the soldiers

Roses p.o.v

I am sooo tired. The boys are waaaaaaaay to slow. It takes them 5 hours to take a bath oma.
I walked over to teh counter and BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!


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