What's right?

23 2 1

"I am saying this one last time, leave," he ordered .

That was all he said and not even once did he bother to look back at me .I was devastated ,there is nothing that will ever justify his rude action ,nothing .

Yes it is true that his past might have been very painful but I have no fault in it ,i barely even know him and how am i supposed to know what hurts him or not why the heck does he think that i have this  psychic power which will tell me what is going on in his narrow mind and  also tell me what to ask and what not.I have no intention in meeting this immature idiot anymore, this is the last time ill ever see this jerk.

I felt a mixture of emotions as i walked very fast ,I couldn't summon what I was feeling , anger ,insulted or even hurt .

"Siana," a very familiar and the voice that now irritated me called from behind .I exactly knew who it was so I didn't even bother wasting anymore time and walking as if I was deaf.I had just made my mind not to see  Ronald again,I'm not the one who forgives and forgets that fast.

I tried my best not to stop and was very successful in doing so .

His behavior left me disgusted ,I didn't even have the courage to face aunt Janet as she would ask me numerous questions regarding him and the reason behind my  mood so I hurriedly ran towards my room.


Is it too late now to say sorry ?Jokes apart , I would seriously like to apologize for such a late update and that too a very short one .A big thanks to @roseserena and Manisha for sticking with this story . I will be updating more frequently from now on , I promise . Much love xo <3 

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