Chapter 2: Princess

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Part of me wished I hadn't done that, but the rest is filled with cold triumph, which for some reason scared me a little. Serena and I had always been close, like we were sisters. When we were little we pretended that mine or Serena's mother was an evil witch who had separated us, but mostly it was my mom. Johanna Berlitz was not a friendly woman. She was once, but a long time ago. She isn't even alive now.

Ash caught up with me, I could hear his footsteps behind me. Scuffling noises in the snow.

"Dawn." His voice is deadly serious, when I realised what happened.

"Dawn." He repeated. "Why did you do that to Serena?"

"Well, she-"

"I don't want to hear your explanation." He hissed. Ash never hissed. He was always laughing and shouting, or whispering... he was.

"You were the one who asked for it." I can feel frustration bubbling beneath my skin, and I was tempted to strike like I did with Serena, but aunt Delia was definitely throwing me out for that.

"I want to hear you promise you'll never do that again."

"I promise." I said meekly. Why did he care so much, all of a sudden? He had never paid any attention to Serena's hints, or showed any affection for her at all. In fact, the only girl I'd seen him show affection to who wasn't related to him was... Misty.

"Ash, did something happen to Misty?"

"Misty?" Ash frowned. "Who's Misty?

I didn't reply to Ash, instead I ran the way back up to the house. I barely had any energy left, keeping myself warm was all my body was trying to do now. But somehow, I was sprinting the last few steps toward the front door.

Aunt Delia was cooking. I knew that even though I hadn't passed the kitchen, but I could hear her humming like she did whenever she was cooking and she was happy. At least she was happy. I knew a few people who weren't.

Serena had told Ash, that was certain. I open my bedroom door, expecting to find it empty. Ash's cat Pikachu sat on my bed, licking from what looked like a ketchup bottle.

"Pikachu, get off." Normally I would sit and stroke him, but I didn't seem to have the patience. Or rather, I was scared I would hit him like I hit Serena, and had wanted to hit Ash. He looked at me through doleful amber eyes.

"It's for your own good."

Pikachu grumbled and ran out, while I sat and stared at the ceiling, littered with glow in the dark stars and fairy charms. I didn't care for any of those now, did I? The stars reminded me of when the sky was still clear and blue, and when you could still see the tiny lights. Someone once told me that every person had a star for themselves, and it would guard them and light their path. There aren't any stars left now. I didn't know who that someone was, and I still don't. I wish I had asked them their name.

Or maybe I didn't. Maybe I would blame them for telling me things I would never believe in now.

"Dawn." The door was open, and Ash was inside. I guess I had forgotten to close it. "Mum says you need to go down and eat."

That was all. No laughter, no joking. Just him and his words and seriousness. Once upon a time I was still princess Dawn, with pretty blue hair and blue eyes locked in a tower, her sister trying to rescue her and her brother cheering her up, waiting for her prince to rescue her. Now I was still princess Dawn, but my sister was trying to kill me and my brother was made of stone.

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