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Tarn and the rest of his team had just touched down on Cybertron. It appeared quite a few Decepticon traitors had found they're way on the LostLight. Tarn was perfectly prepared to kill everyone on board bringing the whole team and going there on foot. As they walked Vos got tired his short and small frame couldn't walk for long without the thrill of the hunt, so he rode on Tesarus' shoulders laughing loudly as he looked around. Tarn was at the head of the group walking a few steps ahead of everyone. Tarn suddenly stopped making the whole team stop too, he looked around hearing a slight a hum. Then suddenly the ground right in front of him bursts into pieces as a beam of plasma shoots into the sky. Once it ended Tarn quickly looked down the newly made hole. "A little help?" Came a voice as Tarn looked in he saw a legless white and blue minibot at the bottom. His optics narrowed seeing him having no signia. Tarn looked at his team and ordered them to get the minibot out of there.

Kaon and Vos both jumped down, Koan leaving Sparkeater with Helex. When Vos hit the ground he landed next to the white and blue minibot quickly walked up to him while Koan landed behind him. Vos spoke to the small bot. "What?" He said then Koan walked up. "Whats your name... is what he asked." Koan said and the small bot nodded.

"I- Im Tailgate- but Im kinda in a rush! Has the the ship left yet!?" He asked frantically. Kaon thought for a moment before looking up at the bigger mechs above them. Tarns optics narrowed and he shook his helm. Koan looked back down and saw Vos already helping Tailgate up. Vos and Koan made quick work of getting Tailgate out of the hole and placing him on the gound in front of everyone else. Tarn looked at the bot thoughtfully as Tailgate tried to convince them he was needed on the Ark and couldn't stay there.

When Tesarus suddenly picked up the small bot and threw him down knocking him out instantly, but before he could finish the job Tarn grabbed his arm instantly stopping him. Tesarus looked at Tarn freezing up when he noticed the glare. "Uh..." is all that escaped Tesarus' voice box.

"Im calling Nickel to clear a medical bay." Tarn said, letting go of Tesarus' arm showing he had left a dent in the shape of his clawed servo.

"Why? Nobody's hurt. Well no one important." Helex said but then mumbled the last bit. "I don't like killing them quickly, giving them the pleasure of having a swift death. No i want to repair this minibot and give him a more fitting death." Tarn said looking down at the mini-bot before walking off to com Nickel.

What the others didn't know was that Tarn pitied the small bot and couldn't see him killed... well not yet...

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