Start Today

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She sat beside me, her face was no longer twisted into a scorn, but instead it was a gentle expression that asked for forgiveness. I sighed. My head was still spinning, and my throat burning. I felt regret spilling down my throat with each drink. But with that regret came temporary bliss... my mind was numb at this point. I was chill. I tried to keep my eyes from her, and my thoughts away from the fight that was mere hours before. The reason this was such peace. Why I started tonight. Began tossing it all away, my future, and attempting at my past. The way she kept looking at her hands... how she held herself... it was all I could see... her.

I poured another and threw it down my throat. Feeling the burn that would be at the front of my face in the morning. I sat silently for a minute, my eyes closing and opening with the say of my body to the soundtrack. I looked at her.

She still wasn't looking at me, her eyes were reflecting the red light of the loud atmosphere and her light hair caught the blue streaks of light flying through the air, and my poor vision made it all purple. I cleared my throat and she looked away from her holdable hands and back to me. I smiled shaking my head and moved closer to her. Something I've wanted to do for hours. Get close, make it all better.

I took her into my arms, slowly, cautiously. scared she would pull away, or tell me I didn't want her. That I was playing with her... I got her into my arms. I rested my chin on the top of her head and sighed, my arms forming to her figure, I held her tightly, scared to ever again let go...  

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