The Faries

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Once upon a time in a faraway magical land lived a little boy and a little girl. They were the cutest things since the invention of puppies. Though they didn't look alike they shared the same adorable dimples when they smiled. They were read stories every night, and tonight's story was Fée's favourite! It was the story of the fairies. Their carer, Aura, perched on the edge of the bed and soon Fée and Étoile were snuggled together on her bed awaiting the story to begin.

Aura began, "There once was a fairy"

"Fairy is my name in French!" Fée bubbly announced!

Aura smiled warmly at Fée and went back to the story. "There was once a fairy that lived in the stars."

Yet again Aura was interrupted, but this time by a pouting Étoile. "My name means stars in French! I think it's so unfair! Our parents are too mushy and romantic! We were only given such silly names because our parents met in Paris, and they were full of the city of love's mushiness! Ur why am I cursed with such a girlie name?"

"I think it's pretty!" Fée chirped.

"Point proven!" Étoile groaned.

Aura interrupted the little argument before it could escalate any further. "There was once a fairy that lived in the stars. Her name was Mystic and she always spent her time with her puppy Poppy! She loved her more than anything in the world! They often take adventurers; there last one was saving a stray dog! But my favourite one was when the evil goblin, Grin, stole Poppy and Mystic had to embrace her powers to defeat evil! Now, however they were rather calm as they watched the shooting stars pass them by. Poppy's head lay on Mystics chest as she stroked it non-consciously. But suddenly an angel appeared and Mystics head snapped upwards and her mouth hung open in shock. This angel, it was her mother.

 "Darling!" Her mother squealed and hugged her daughter!

"MUMMY!" She gushed.

"Darling, I come here bringing grand news.... "

The small girl clapped her hands over her ears and shook her head. The last time her mother delivered news to her was before the 'accident', and after that she never saw her mother again. Well until now...and her heart couldn't handle another sudden disappearance. She just wanted her time with her mother to last forever. If she could freeze time, this moment would be the one she chose.

Her mother smiled a strained smile and gently, but firmly, clasped her daughters small hands and removed them from her ears. However she didn't release her daughter's hands but instead pulled them closer to her heart.

"Darling, this news is beneficial towards you and it is a great honour. You have been granted permission to enter heaven's gates before death! You my darling are going to become a guidance to the souls in your world. You will be the one to help those after death enter heaven and clean up their sins." Her mother's smile faded a bit and her grip on Mystic's hands grew limp and they flopped to her sides.

Mystic found her voice, "That's great Mama! I can't wait! I'll be able to see you, and Dad! Oh and Syla! How are they? Are they..."

Her mother cut her off, "That is not all... and you will also be the one to condemn the souls to hell if they do not make amends to their sins."

Mystic stood there in shock!

Her mother rushed out. "God chooses special people to help him out, he knows you darling. He has faith in you! God is never wrong and if he believes this is your purpose in life, then it is. He needs someone alive inside a human body so we can access your world properly. You will be blessed with the sight of seeing the dead! And you will live this new and wonderful life under the name of Aura"

With her last words ringing in Mystics ears the young girl entered through a tunnel; her vision turning black.


Aura gazed at the two sleeping young children and smiled.

"This will be your job one day, my loves".

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