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Hero's P.O.V.

"h-how did he stop me"? i wondered "where did that blade come from"?

there was a knock at the door

"door sensei" i said

Snivy's P.O.V.

"ah yes" i said turning my glove back to normal

i opened the door

"hello" i said "welcome to my dojo"

"hi" they said

"what's your name"? i asked

"donut" he replied

"ok donut" i said "choose a weapon"

"what's that" he said pointing to my glove

"ah yes" i said "the fusion glove it's many weapons packed into one glove"

"that answer your question hero"? i asked

"how did you"? he asked

"ok donut" i said opening the weapons cabinet

he chose a pair of throwing stars

"hah" he said pointing at hero "i get throwing stars and you just get that silly watch"

hero then proceeded to stab him

then he healed immediately

"what the"? they said

"oh yeah" i said "i forgot to mention, i have healing powers"

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