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Zodiac Signs and Personality

Aries- usually rebellious and fun, likes to fight and have a short temper, understanding, annoyed, tough, and strong

Taurus- stubborn, kind, and caring, nice but bossy, didn't come for a fight, but will fight til the end, sometimes emotional

Gemini- fun and funny, nice and full of light, sometimes unreliable and immature, easy to talk to

Cancer- kind of secretive, fun and loud, rebellious and sarcastic, horrible liars, nice, kind of unrealistic and sometimes bossy

Leo- fun and funny, kind and popular, most times prideful, brave and rebellious, don't always show their true feelings

Virgo- nice, funny, but bossy, can be secretive fun to be around and easy to talk to, laughs a lot and is usually popular

Libra- nice and understanding, indecisive and hide their trust feelings often, funny and smart, brave, modest, justice bringer

Scorpio- fun and loud, popular and sarcastic, mean and doesn't like to be lied to, secretive, prideful, and confident

Sagittarius- fun and easy to talk to, secretive and rebellious, but smart and wicked, kind and understanding

Capricorn- crazy and fun, loud and prideful, mean sometimes, is usually the outcast

Aquarius- rebel, mysterious and fun, hard to understand, funny but often lost or broken, quiet, and different in the best kind of way

Pisces- kind and caring, easily offended and will stand up for people and ideas, loving and always smiling

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