Its just life

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"Ellie, I know it's hard but it's just life you know." Mum says as she comes in to check in on me, I just found out u had stage 4 lukiema cancer, I'd probably die soon.
Mum strokes my shaved head where my long ginger hair used to fall in long waves of hair.
"Mum I'm okay, really I just wanna listen to 5SOS and..." I begin
"What's 5SOS?" Mum asks, she try's to be cool mum but, she's failing!
"5 Seconds Of Summer! Duh!" I say, my eyes now were full of small tears and I started to cry.
"Honey, what's wrong!" Mum asks, I don't want to tell her it's because of my cancer, she'll probably make me go to some stupid support group or something like that.
"Probably just a period or something." I say, "hey can we go to the mall I wanna get some new tops!", mum looks concerned, she always does.
"Sure, I just need to phone dr. Malik about your medication, you wanna get ready.
I nod and put my new head scarf thing on, I then grab my new fur jacket ( as it is winter and yeah!) I pull my DM boots on and I'm ready!
"Hey Elle, you know you get a dying wish right!" Mum shouts up stairs, I know exactly what I want as my last wish....
I want to marry...
Calum Hood!

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