We're.........in Naruto!?!? ( Part 1 )

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Star:Hey my chicas and chicos!Sorry for not updating lately I'm just dealing with a lot.Yeah so I'm going to try to update more often but yeah.Anyways I have a special guest.......HINATA-CHAN!!!

Hinata:*smiles*H-Hi Star-Chan

Star:*smiles*Hi Hinata-Chan!Can you say your line please?

Hinata:S-Sure!celestialfantasy does not own Naruto.

Star:Thank you Hinata-Chan!Anyways on with the story!

Star's P.O.V
I yawn and look at Lucy.She was staring out the car window, as usual.We were currently on our way to my house in my mom's car.The windows were open, so my brown and red hair and her dirty blonde hair flowed in the wind.
"Hey, Lu-Lu?"I asked.
She turned to me and said,
"Yeah, Star?"

"Somethings wrong, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing"
I nod at her and she nodded back.We close our eyes and start speaking to each other in our minds.
Something is going to happen, I can feel it, I thought.
Yeah, I feel something in the wind, Lucy thought back.
You two are right, Flame said in my mind.
Yes, the winds are going too fast, Wind said in Lucy's mind.
What do you two think it is , I thought.
We don't know, but something bad is going to happen, so watch out you two, Flame said.
K, I thought.
Me and Lucy's eyes snap open when we hear my mom screaming.
"Mom, what's-"
Then everything went dark.
Hey, my chicas and chicos!Sorry for the short chap, I just really want to get this done so I can do their Naruto bios. Well anyways, bye guys!

We're Stuck in Naruto (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now