Chapter 5: School

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*Monday morning*

"You WHAT!?!?" Lila screamed. "Lila keep it down!" I whisper-yelled. "I don't believe you." She said crossing her arms. She grabbed the water bottle and opened it. "Lila. No." I said, stopping her. "I'll show you at home."
"Fine." Lila said crossing her arms across her chest.

We were in history class, Mr. Martian. Strictest. Teacher. Ever.

I opened my new journal, for mermaid things. I started doodling and lost attention to class.

"Elizabeth." Said Mr. Martian.
"Yes?" I said looking up from my journal.
"What is the 9th right and what's does it do?" Asked Mr. Martian.
"Um..." I said, dumbfounded.
"Can I use resources?" I asked, shrugging.
"No! We have a quiz tomorrow!" He said hastily.
"Ok um..." I looked around to see Hadley Helmke's hand up. The dumbest girl in school. I had to get this right.
"Oh! Other rights of people, rights to get married, own land, etc." I said remembering everything.
"Well done." Mr. Martian wrote my answer on the board.

I turned back around to see Hadley sleeping, again.
"Just wait..." I mumbled under my breath.

"MRS. HADLEY!" Mr. Martian screeched. I swear, he's releated to a hyena.
"Sorry Mr. Martain!" Hadley quickly said. "Won't happen again!"
"Better not." He mumbled.


I slung my back pack over my right shoulder and quickly walked away from class.

I think I turned the corner a little to fast and ran into Caleb.

"Oh sorry Caleb!" I said wiping his gray shirt off.
"It's ok Eliza. I'm fine. I just have to get to class early." He said, kissing the top of my head.
"Why?" I asked him walking backward.
"Seats. Have to sit next to Toby." He said.
"Oh okay, bye then!" I said kissing his nose.

I had to run all the way back to choir because if were late, we are counted absent.




     CALEBS P.O.V.
I was texting Toby when Eliza ran into me. I quickly put my phone away and made an excuse to get away. I can't believe she thinks I like her.

Ew. No.

I'm really dating Heidi Miller. One of Eliza's best friends.

I went to Mrs. Greens class and sat next to Heidi and Toby. This was science, something I dreaded. But, since Toby and Heidi are in it, I love it.

Heidi turned to me and said, "Hey Caleb. Sweetheart. I love you. You know I love you right?" She asked.
"Um, ya. I hope. After Friday night." I said.

I made an excuse that I was sick, so did Heidi.
Later, she came to my place.

"Okay great, homework? Please?" She asked right as the bell rang.

"Um..." I asked, thinking. I hate homework, but I love her.

She came closer do my ear.
"Do it, or its over." She said.

"Miss. Heidi." Mrs. Green said, her brown eyes burning into Heidi's skin.

"Yes Mrs. Green?" Heidi asked liked she cared.

Good thing Mrs.Green interrupted us.
She was about to make me do her homework if not she would break up with me!

"What is the symbol for gold?" Mrs. Green asked.

"Err... Go?" Heidi asked unsure.

Mrs. Green just shook her head.

Hey kitties. Sry I haven't updated in a while I lost my phone.
Sry about no cliffhanger.
Should I unpublish this book to work on more? Yes or no?
Bai kitties!! ☀️️☀️️

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