Miss Her Already

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Ichiru was waiting on Rido's awakening and planned to take revenge for Shizuka himself, once everything was set in motion Ichiru quickly pulled out his sword and had stabbed Rido through the chest. But of course it didn't do much since it didn't seem to be a ati-vampire weapon.

"Just what are you doing?" Rido asked.

"I wanted to land the final blow, for Shizuka's wish to come true!" Ichiru shouted.

Smirking at the fail attempt to his life Rido turned around quickly landing a blow which should of landed on Ichiru to wound him badly but instead someone else took it and it was a high pitch yelp of pain.

Opening his eyes when not feeling the blow to himself Ichiru looked towards him and his eyes widen, there right there was his and Zero's little sister (Y/N). She had taken the blow for him and pretty much saved his life.

"(Y-Y/N)!" Ichiru shouted.

"Ichiru-nii...." You whispered.

Pulling his hand out you fell forwards into Ichiru's arms, his lavender eyes widen and shaking not believing what just had happened. No..you couldn't die! Not just after he patched up the brother and sister relationship you two had in the past.

"What a unexpected turn of events, but I did notice you follow your brother here." Rido smirked.

"If I can....protect him....so be it." (Y/N) managed to say.

Quick thinking Ichiru picked you up into his arms and had rushed out of the room, you were losing to much blood and he didn't like it one bit. He wasn't sure what to do so he went to where Zero had been locked up.

Sadly Zero had already smelled the sent of his little sisters blood, and also noticed there was a lot of it. Growing worried he gripped at the chains on the wall that held his arms to it and forced himself up to his feet.

"(Y/N)...." Zero mumbled.

Falling down he groaned and sent a worried look to the door of this place, not soon long after Ichiru arrived with a nearly dead little sister of there's. Zero's eyes widen and just the sight of their little sister was in.

"What happened!?" Zero asked.

"I wanted revenge for Shizuka...but she followed and when I was about to be striked at...she got in the way..." Ichiru replied standing a few feet away from him.
"What..." Zero shook.

Their little sister opened her eyes slightly and smiled a bit, finally the three Kiryu's could be together in one room without one trying to kill the other. But sadly one was dying and it was the youngest Kiryu out of the three siblings.

"Don't worry...I never listened to you two....so it was bound...to happen..." (Y/N) said weakly.

"That's the thing! You never listen to us!" Zero shouted.
"Looks like...my stubbornness got to me..." (Y/N) joked.
"It isn't the time to joke!" Ichiru shouted.
(Y/N) could only smile at that, sure it wasn't time to joke around but she wanted to see her brothers together one last time.

"Sorry Zero-nii...my blood must be making you hungry...but I wanted to see you both...one more time." (Y/N) whispered.

"Shut up! You'll live! You won't die!" Zero shouted, pain in his voice.
"I will...there's no help that I need...here..." (Y/N) sighed.
"Please don't die!" Ichiru shouted.
"Ichiru-nii....Zero-nii...." (Y/N) whispered.
"We can't lose anyone else!" Zero shouted.

Smiling she let a few tears fall, even if she didn't want to leave her twin older brothers she had to since she was starting to feel tired and had wanted to get some sleep. But she knew once she closed these eyes of hers that were the same shade as her brothers she would never open them again.

"Ichiru...take me to Zero...I want him to drink my blood..." (Y/N) told.
"What?" Ichiru asked.
"Through drinking my blood...he will be able to control himself for a while..." (Y/N) explained.
"Meaning your giving me some of your vampire hunter powers?" Zero said shocked.
"I know only Ichiru can give you the ones you need to be stronger.....but with mine you can still become like that for a good amount of time..." (Y/N) Told.

Ichiru didn't want to hand his sister over so Zero could drink her blood of what was left but he also didn't want to disappoint his little sister. So with a heavy heart he picked her up and walked towards Zero. Ignoring the blood puddle behind him that grew so large.

"No Ichiru! Don't bring her here!" Zero refused.
"It's our sister's last wish...we should at least give her the comfort of taking it and making it real." Ichiru explained.
"Thank you...." (Y/N) smiled a little.

Not liking it one bit Zero took his little sister in his arms and moved her silver hair to the side, Ichiru sat next to Zero and held (Y/N)'s hand. With tears rolling down his cheeks Zero opened his mouth and shook sinked his fangs into the neck of his little sister.

Flinching slightly (Y/N) smiled and looked at Ichiru, a silent thank you was sent to him as she let her head rest on Zero's shoulder.

"Thank you....big brothers....for everything...I love you..." (Y/N) said before closing her eyes and not ever moving an inch again.

"(Y/N)?" Zero asked.
"Hey...(Y/N)?" Ichiru shook her.

Both twins started to shake when she wouldn't reply and soon couldn't hold out there grief any longer, two screams of sorrow filled the air and the room as Zero hugged their little sister close to his chest.

This moment wouldn't ever be forgotten and it wouldn't ever be something to recover from.

"Who did this to her?" Zero asked.
"Rido Kuran..." Ichiru whispered.
"Stay with her....he's mine to kill..." Zero whispered.
His chains broke off as he stood, whatever their sister said proved it all Zero had more power for now after he drank his little sisters blood or what was left of it. Ichiru picked (Y/N) up into his arms and followed after a angry Zero.
"What will you do when he's dead?" Ichru asked.
"We will find somewhere to burry her...that way we can visit her anytime at all." Zero said.

Ichiru agreed and had waited somewhere the battle wouldn't take place, it sadden him greatly that the girl in his arms was so full of life a moment ago then now she's dead and gone. As Zero went to go kill Rido, Ichiru had the chance to hold his little sister close to his chest.

"(Y/N)...." He cried tears rolling down his eyes.

He remembered every memory of her that he shared along with Zero in them as well, she was his and Zero's little ball of light. Without her things would've been more horrible for the twins like how they grew up. She would always be there for Ichiru when sick and would skip out on training just so he wouldn't be alone.

Another memory of her was when she would hug him tightly after a nightmare, but she would always remember to give both of her twin brothers equal love. If she were to hug Ichiru she'd hold Zero's hand and same when reversed.

"Oh little sis...." Ichiru buried his face in her silver hair.

Losing Shizuka was horrible but now that he lost his little sister it felt like someone ripped his heart out and stomped on it. With Zero he and Yuki had defeated Rido within a few minutes or so and he finally got the revenge Ichiru wanted for Shizuka even if he didn't want it like that but he also got revenge for this damn vampire that killed his little sister.

"That was for (Y/N)..." Zero whispered.

"Zero...where's (Y/N)?" Yuki asked now a vampire who she truly was before.
"She's dead..." Zero told soon turning around to walk away.

Meeting up with his brother who still had the dead sister of theres in his arms he nodded as he and Ichiru walked off together to find a good place for their sister to rest completely and not out in the open.

"I miss her already..." Ichiru frowned.
"She'd want us to continue on with living....besides she'll always be with us..." Zero said.
"Your right..." Ichiru nodded.

At this moment (Y/N) actually got her one true wish, and that was for her twin brothers to at least try to get along. And hopefully someday become close again like before. Once those two do become close again and actually become the twins she loved so much that's when she'd be able to rest peacefully.

Miss Her Already - Zero x Little Sister Reader x IchiruWhere stories live. Discover now