Flooded subway

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I was working my normal Friday 3-7 shift after school and everything was good. I've worked at subway for a couple of months and it's been quite the experience so I'm sure I'll have some more stories. Anyway, I was driven to work by my best friend who is also the love of my life. I was early so I sat there in his car watching my favorite coworker sweep the dining area. I'm not sure if I should write actual names or not but I'll keep his because he's a pretty cool guy. Christian has gotten me through some shitty work situations like when I dropped a whole fresh container of turkey, (Fuck) And miscounted the bread I guess I put something around 69000 into the computer. Math isn't my strong suit (double fuck)

Anyway, I walked in went to the bathroom put my shirt that I didn't wash on (it's fucking disgusting I know) . I fixed my hair, went to the bathroom, blew my nose cause I'm sick. The morning before school that day I went to the nurse to have her look at my throat cause I was convinced I had strep since I usually get it 3 times a year somehow. Should have called out but listen, I make minimum wage and I work 2 times a week. That means I need to suck it up and go. My teacher Mr. D said "you really shouldn't go into work if you're sick" that's true but as long as he doesn't eat there it's not his problem.

When I walked out of the bathroom I saw 2 of my other coworkers they're nice guys. Usually on Friday I don't pull bread so instead I counted it did my normal shit. Proceeded on with my responsibilities. On Friday during my shift its only Christian and I since it's dead on Fridays. Christian usually leaves at 4:30 or 5:00 since he opens in the morning.

I'm really glad it wasn't busy and everything was pretty much done. Before Christian Left he asked me to mop the floor along the food line so I waited an hour after he was gone for it to get extra slow. I start filling the mop bucket which I've never done before, no one taught me how to put the thing in it  so I was like fuck it I'll just put the soap in and leave the hose in it figure it out after. Of course the entire night it was dead 5:40 a customer walks in. Nice guy looked like he was on drugs walks in. "Uh, what can I get with a dollar?" A cookie. "Oh ok, I'll get a chocolate chip cookie." He pays then walks out. I go into the back again and I forgot about the mop and started doing my homework. Then it dawned on me that I had to mop so I turned around and there was about an inch and a half of water on the floor in the back spreading out. I'll be honest I don't think I actually cared. I stood there and I just was like "shit happens" and turned the hose off. I looked around for paper towels and got to cleaning. It took about a half hour because most of it was just me rolling out and throwing paper towels on the ground. I thought it was funny so I made a time lapse of it.

It's a miracle that I haven't lost my job yet. Considering how many times I've messed up in front of my boss (yup when he's there I feel pressured to be perfect and I fuck up almost every single thing)  and by myself I mess up but that's no big deal because Christian is always a text away and I'm alone so unless my boss goes over the security camera footage I'm in the clear.

Yeah, I've learned to not leave water running unattended. I also learned that I am human and I make mistakes. It's really funny not gonna lie.

"Shitty situations make funny stories."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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