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The sun was setting and we were now stationed outside of Scott's house. We knew Allison, Jackson, Stiles, and most importantly Lydia was inside. I couldn't believe the first redhead I met actually turned out be crazy. This is why we had a bad reputation. Derek had told us to hold off on attacking until after sunset. I could see Allison in the upstairs window with her crossbow. I waved to her and she flipped me off. Stiles was at the front door and he kept obsessively opening and closing the curtain to see of we were still there. The five of us were ready to go, we were just waiting for Derek's orders. We were beginning to get bored of the waiting. Boyd and Erica were playing rock, paper, scissors. Isaac was playing flappy bird on his phone. I had struck up a conversation with Derek about animals.

" The teacher was saying something about predators in biology today. The 4 S's that make a good hunter. Strength, stealth, speed, and stamina. She also mentioned that all of those are great, but they are worth nothing without the fifth S. Spirit. Because a cheetah won't hunt unless it has the will or the instinct. The spirit to hunt. I tried to think about the pack members that way but, I don't know, I can't, these are weird ramblings that go on in my head. They're kinda stupid." I just gave a small chuckle to myself and shook my head.

" Well, that is because your thinking about it all wrong. You're thinking about members individually. Try thinking about the pack not as a group of animals but as a single animal. Boyd is incredibly strong, he could demolish buildings with his pinky finger." I laughed and we looked over to the other three beta's standing around, " Isaac, he's so quiet he makes a church mouse sound like a metal band, he moves with no effort. You, move with astonishing quickness. On Saturday when we sparred, by the time I saw that block coming at me, you had already disarmed me and slammed me to the ground. Erica, she never quits for anything. She will fight to the last breath, die, and then come back to life as a zombie so she could keep kicking ass. Strength, stealth, speed, stamina..." I thought about Derek's point.

" That makes you the spirit. The driving force to survive and complete the mission. I was thinking of the pack separately but when you think about it as a single being it really comes together. Huh." He laughed and patted me on the back.

" We should examine your stupid rambling thoughts more often." I let out a big laugh.

" I don't know if you're ready for everything that's inside of my head, it gets pretty crazy in here." I tapped the side of my head. Derek was about to say something else on the discussion when his face turned back to all seriousness. He listened for a moment and then yelled at the other beta's to look alive.

" We need to make a move now but it can't be all of us. Allison just said something about calling her family. All of their family is in town right now because of the other boy the Kanima killed. It's taken one of theirs and they'll eliminate any supernatural creature in their path. We have to act before they get here. Isaac, go through the backdoor, move Stiles and Allison from the doorway, and open the front door so we can go in and get Lydia. Quick and clean. No killing anyone. Got it?" Isaac nodded and waited for both the teens to look away from their windows before making a run for the back. Allison moved downstairs and was next to the door with Stiles now. Making Isaac's job that much easier. We heard movement from the inside of the house, glass shattering, things being knocked over.

" So much for Isaac being stealth..." Derek broke his stoic face and grinned just slightly. The other two beta's looked confused. Isaac opened the door and Derek told Erica and me to go find Lydia while he and Boyd stayed on watch for anyone, or anything, that walked outside. We ran towards the door and Erica instantly bolted up the stairs. 

I followed her to the top. She went towards the door at the end of the hallway and I checked the other rooms first. I could hear her and Allison talking. I slowly walked toward the door but stopped when I heard Erica hit the ground. Allison whispered something to her and exited the door only to be met with me. She tried to shoot me with her bow and I immediately dodged the arrow. She pulled out daggers and threw two at me. I dodged the first and caught the second throwing it right back at her. It sliced her side and she looked at me with rage. She threw a kick towards me and I stepped to the side of the hallway. I pulled the rug out from under her causing her to fall with a harsh thud. I picked her up by the back of the shirt and stuffed her into the storage closet. I could hear Allison beating against the door and swearing empty threats at me. I walked into Scott's room and passed Erica. Lydia's quick heartbeat was coming from his bathroom. I was about to kick in the door when I saw a shadow cross the floor behind me, just in time. Scott's fist contacted the wall as I ducked my head. I rolled out of the way. I got back into a fighting stance.

Stray Girl - Derek Hale -Teen Wolf FanficWhere stories live. Discover now