Chapter 3: Risks

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Hey guys! Sorry for the lack of updates! Also sorry for no custom art but it's all I could find in the time frame I had rip, anyway, enjoy!

Keith sighed angrily as his fingers tapped the console of his lion. He had been sat there for hours, just tapping.

"Letting your nervous ticks take control of you won't help Keith." Shiro's voice came through, a screen showing Shiro's face with an eyebrow raised.

"Whatever." Keith replied, he was not in the mood for another one of Shiro's lectures on self control. He stopped.

Shiro and him had been told to go back to their lions and wait. The plan was simple, rescue Lance at night, when everyone was asleep.

Simple, sure. But they would have to wait hours before night would take hold. God knows what they could be doing to lance in that time?

Keith sighed, hitting his head against the back of his chair. He was so done with waiting.

"why can't we just smash in with our lions and grab him now?" Keith absent-mindedly mumbled.

"Because if we do that, any chance of peace with this planet will be shattered." Shiro replies, gaining a pained laugh from Keith.

"Peace? After what they've done- what they're still doing to Lance?" He spits out angrily, his eyes glaring knives at Shiro.

Shiro shuts up after that.


"Paladins, this is your final check in before mission start, are you both ready?" Came the voice of Allura.

"As we'll ever be." Shiro replies for both of them.

"We're changing the comms from your lions to your helmets, so if you get separated from your lions we can still talk." Spoke Corran, followed by a loud beep, and the Paladins' helmets lighting up.

"You both know the plan?" He continued, his voice louder now it was coming from inside the helmet.

"Fly in, get Lance, fly out. Got it." Keith snapped before Shiro would go into a long lecture of the plan he had heard about a million times. "Alright let's go."

Shiro looked like he was going to say something, but closed his mouth when Keith pushed off the sand and into the sky.

"Alright, you're faster, so I'll cover you whilst you get Lance." Shiro spoke, his voice edged with nerves.

"Got it." Keith replied.

They flew in silence for awhile, both the lions gliding through the purple tinted clouds silently.

"Keith?" Shiro asked, his voice quiet. "Yes?" Keith replied.

"Good luck, get him outta there okay?"

The words fueled Keiths determination and he nodded.

"Alright, is everyone ready? My scanners show that Lance is directly in the middle of the weird crater that you two described." Corran broke the silence.

"Alright, it looks like they haven't moved him." Shiro observed, inspecting the map that Corran had made. "You ready Keith?" He continued.

"As I'll ever be." Keith mumbled, his hands tightening around the joysticks of Red.

With a roar, the two lions leaned forward and dived.

The first thing Keith noticed was how clear the air was once they broke through the cover of the wierd, purple looking clouds.

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