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"I really think you need to lighten up a little." Reagan said as she continued to crawl through the air duct on her hands and knees.
"I really feel as though this is not an appropriate time for me to lighten up." Her partner in crime and parabati, Dyani responded in a violent whisper. "You better know what you're doing or I swear to god I'll-"
"You'll what?" Reagan rolled her eyes. She knew the other girl couldn't see the eye roll, but she still felt it was necessary.
"I'll- I'll do something bad."
Reagan began to chuckle at the idle threat when she was shushed;
"Shut up!" Dyani hit her on the shoulder.
"What?" Reagan maneuvered her body around in the small space so that she was facing the girl behind her.
"Shh." Dyani put her finger to her lips before nodding towards the bottom of the air duct. Reagan knit her brows together as her ears strained to hear what was going on below. There wasn't much to hear. She was surprised that Dyani had even been able to pick up on the soft sound of footsteps in the room below them. Reagan pressed herself to her stomach and squinted through the small ventilation cracks in the air duct. Through the small space, she picked out a teenage girl sitting behind the customer service desk. The girl had earphones plugged into a computer. She was tapping her foot along to the music and it could be heard echoing through the empty room.
"What exactly are we waiting for?" Dyani asked as she let her hand hover over her Seraph blade.
Reagan searched the room. There was something wrong. A young werewolf had tipped her off. He'd said that she needed to be protected, but as Reagan watched the girl she seemed to be alone.
"What's wrong?"
"It's much past midnight and it's a full moon tonight." She thought aloud.
"Wolves?" The word had hardly had time to leave her mouth before the window to the observatory was broken. Reagan didn't have to think before bursting out of the air duct and into the guest services room. She landed and rolled in front of the desk as the wolf made contact with the display cases under the window. She felt Dyani land softly on her feet in the center of the room behind her. The wolf got up and shook the glass from its fur. A snarl bellowed from beneath its curled lips. The girl froze. Reagan silently cursed her. If only everyone had the instincts of a warrior. It would make her job so much easier. Reagan didn't have to talk to Dyani. She knew what she'd do next and without thinking adapted to it. Dyani darted around the desk toward the wolf as Reagan flung herself over the desk and onto the girl. They fell to the ground with Reagan hovering atop her. The girl's mouth hung open in shock. To her, some unseen force was protecting her. Reagan made a silent prayer that her glamor wouldn't wear off anytime soon and quickly shoved her under the desk before turned her attention toward Dyani. She'd gotten the wolf into the back corner of the room. It snapped at the glowing blade held between them but didn't dare to touch it.
"Get the closet!" Dyani shouted. Reagan turned and sprinted across the room. She tore open the closet just as Dyani sheathed her blade and ran towards her with the wolf on her heels. Just before the closet, Reagan watched the wolf's teeth become dangerously close to her parabati. She did the only thing she thought possible: protect her. Before she could register what she was doing the dagger was already spinning through the air. Dyani ducked. The blade buried itself in the wolf's shoulder. It crumpled with a dog-like whimper and slid across the tile floor away from its prey.
"Get it in the closet now!" Dyani shouted as she rose to her feet. Reagan made it to the wolf just as it began to rise. Its leg where the dagger still lay jammed in it could hardly bear any weight. The wolf stumbled and fell once more as it attempted to stand. She snatched her blade back and held it in front of the wolf. It growled in defiance but still it backed up just enough for Dyani to close the closet doors on it. Reagan threw her body against the door. The wolf pounded on it from the other side with its claws almost penetrating the thin wood of the door. Dyani took the fire stoker from the fireplace and shoved it between the door and where the now broken lock should have been. It seemed to hold for the moment but Reagan wouldn't dare lift her weight from the door. The girl from behind the desk stood up. She saw that the wolf was now contained in the closet. Shock, awe, and maybe a little disbelief, or a lot of disbelief, crossed her face all at once. She did not know that Reagan and Dyani had rescued her today. She couldn't see them holding the wolf at bay for they'd both glamoured themselves before entering the observatory's air ducts. All she knew was that the wolf was somehow trapped and she was miraculously not dead. She scrambled out of the building without turning back to lock the door.

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