Chapter 4

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Ok so I goofed and referred to everyone as genin instead of students of the academy,my bad guys :)

Satomi's POV

I had decided as well as most of the students had seemed, to hide just on the outskirts of the path to avoid unnecessary conflict.

My attack on Kama was just out of fun, Everyone knows that Kama is terrible at taijutsu and putting him back in the Academy for a year would have also probably been a service.

Apparently I was mistaken as he had somehow managed to catch the needle without even turning around. Must be some secret power or trick I murmured.

I knew I wasn't as fast as Tsume or apparently Natsumi and I've always preferred to stealth as a one on one fight dosent always go in my favour.

I was hoping to at least knock one person out to solidify my win, as I wasn't sure on who was where.

As if on cue I spotted Ryouu calmly sprinting down the middle of the path. Very bold or stupid of him I grinned placing a muscle relaxant into my wrist gun.

All of a sudden I noticed someone else hiding in the trees. It was Hotai, a white haired boy from a healer clan in the Village. He was smart enough to have the same idea as me but not wise enough to realise that an ambush wasn't a good idea.

Ryouu was only a small child when his clan fled the Bloodmist Village to here but he was probably genin level even at that point. Who knows how much stronger he could be now.

I decided to wait this out and see what happened.

As Ryouu sprinted past Hotai, Hotai jumped from the trees onto Ryouu's back and used some sort of medical ninjutsu on his neck for him to pass out

In a sudden poof what was an unconscious Ryouu was now a log.
A substitution Jutsu Satomi grinned looking at Hotai's shocked face.

As Hotai began to look around for him Ryouu suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed his shoulder.

"That wasn't very smart" Ryouu calmly said as he threw a solid punch into Hotai's face, knocking him out instantly.

Sending my chance I aimed my gun at Ryouu while he was distracted and shot him straight in the neck.

As Ryouu began to collapse to the ground I walked out over to him.

"C...clever bastard" Ryouu slurred as he tried to reach for me.

"No hard feelings or anything, but Hotai is a personal friend" I said and pulled out an adrenaline needle and shot it into Hotai's neck.

Hotai gasped and sat up quickly. "He has a solid punch" Hotai commented, rubbing his jaw.

"Cmon lets go before someone catches up" I say standing up and beginning to run. Hotai nods and follows close behind.

Kama POV
I was almost at the finish line and I saw Ryouu.

He must have been hit by Satomi as there was needle next to him.

"Yo..u miigh as well go ahaad" Ryouu slurred looking up at me.

4 years earlier...
"Hahah what a loser!" Tsume laughed kicking me when I was on the ground, while her friends were behind her laughing. Tears were streaming down my face, unable to do anything as she gave me one final kick before walking off with her friends.

I sat up and held my knee, it was red and throbbing and I couldn't put weight on it. I saw Kai walking up behind me. "What's happened Kama!" He said shocked looking at my tear streaked face and leg.

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