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I live in a small town in Alabama. Most of this place is patches of woods. It’s been a whole two months since I broke up with Josh. Josh is the quarterback at our high school, and he’s the ‘dream guy’ for just about every girl here. That was until today. A new kid just moved here and his name is Logan, the best part is that he’s in my homeroom. Mr. Hart’s homeroom only consists of maybe 12 or so people, meaning there are many available seats. Mr. Hart sat Logan next to me.

“Now Logan, this seat is only temporary.” Mr. Hart says that to every new student, but he never means it. “Now class, we will be having a pop quiz today. You will have all class period to have it complete and you may not use any notes. Logan you will be taking this quiz to. But, only to see how much catching up you need.”

The school day is over and Logan walks over to me and actually introduces himself to me.

            “Hey, I’m…” But before he could finish I cut him off."

            “Logan James. I know. I sit next to you in Mr. Hart’s class. Oh and I’m Alice Everstar."

            “Yeah you do. So, um…how do you get home?” He asked.

            “I walk. You?”

            “I walk as well. Would you mind if I joined you?”

            “Not a bit.” I reassured him. So we walked to my house and just as I’m about to walk to my door, Logan grabbed my arm back to him and asked if I wanted to go to his place for a while. As a surprise to myself, I accepted his offer and we went to his house. Logan lives in the middle of nowhere. Quite literally. All alone, in the middle of the woods. And to add on top of this weirdness he lives alone.

            “So, huh. This is your place?” I asked still in shock.


            “And you live alone.”


At this point Logan draws himself slowly closer to me. Now I’m scared."

            “Alice, I know we just met and all but…” his thought drifted off.

            “But what Logan?”

            “Alice will you go out with me?”

I took quite sometime to process all that has happened so far. Okay, so Logan lives all alone in the woods and wants me, a girl he just met to go out with him. Huh, this could spell danger.

            “Yes.” Did that just come out of my mouth?

            “Really? Great!” He’s practically jumping off the ground. “Okay, now that we are going out I must tell you something very important. You mustn’t tell anyone. Do you understand?” I slowly nod my head. “Well, I have a secret. I, uh…I kill people Alice.”

            “So, you kill people and you brought me into the middle of the woods. All alone.”  Wow. Great guy you’ve got there Alice. Real nice guy.

            “Oh no! That’s not why I wanted you up here."

          “Okay then, why am I alone with you? In the middle of nowhere.” I asked trying not to sound worried.

            “Well…” That sentence was never finished. Logan is now right against my body and leans towards me like he is trying to kiss me. Or that’s what I thought he was doing. But, instead he pulled a knife from his pocket and slowly dug it into my skin. While doing all of this to me he apologized. Yeah because apologizing makes this ALL better Logan. Why me? Why now? These are some of the many questions that are flooding my mind. I am now freezing cold, the world around me is becoming darker and darker. I can now feel the blood rush out of my body and onto the ground below. I can slightly feel my phone vibrating on the ground next to me. It was my father. My family, are they Logan’s next target?

            “I love you Logan.” My last breath of air.

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