Chapter 5

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[Y/N]'s POV

          The school looks so much less atmospheric than usual. The happy colorful world was now slowly becoming gray, due to the huge decrease of students and teachers. I walk down the hallways with my best friends just being themselves. Sebastian (no no no not Black Butler no no no NO), Carlos and Victor just being all goofed and shiz.

          "Hey [Y/N]" Sebastian called out. "You've been really quiet and out of character lately... is something wrong?"

          "I-it's just nothing..." I replied.

          "Are you sure? Because right now y-"

          AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THERE ARE DEAD BODIES IN THE CLASSROOM! SOMEBODY CALL THE POLICE!

          Carlos got cut off by someone else's scream as the other students ran out of the school and some of them came in the classroom and probably reported it to the Guidance Councelor, a teacher or the police. The four of us ran out of the hallways and to the exit of the school.

Sans' POV

          fuck... one of her god damn classmates spread the news...

          I teleported back home and cleaned myself up. I dumped my bloody clothes in the pile of dirty clothes and started cleaning myself. After I was done, I quickly cleaned the knife and placed it back where it should be. I let out a sigh as I took out our childhood photo together.

          oh [y/n], when will you EVER learn to stay away from those assholes? they're just gonna leave you alone. *sigh* i wish you would understand why i'm doing this for you...

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