Chapter 17.5

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*Marcus's P.O.V*

"Aaliyah what the hell?!"

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me! This is what you wanted, right?! Well you got it!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. Tears threatened to slip from her eyes but her stubbornness wouldn't dare let them fall. In desperation I reached out for her arm. Thanks to her cat like reflexes she snatched away in the nick of time.

"Don't touch me you bastard! Don't ever touch me again! Your a sick and twisted damn shame! I hate you and hope your happy!" she shrieked.

"I didn't force you to go-" I began until I was rudely cut off.

"Shut up! Don't say you didn't force me to go down there either! Your right physically you didn't but emotionally you left me no choice. I refuse to bring any child or children in to a household where their dad doesn't want them or isn't even 100% on board with the idea of them. That's not a family! It's not fair to me and it's damn sure enough not fair to the kids!" Her chest heaved up and down from the anger bubbling inside of her.

"I'm sorry okay!" I yelled. This whole time she's blamed this whole thing on me! "Too bad my sorry won't bring them back!"

That did it. The tears broke free from her eyes so heavy you could've easily mistaken it for the hover dam.

"You think I wanted to kill my babies. I wanted to see my son get his first girlfriend and my daughter get married. But I wasn't going to do it by myself. I didn't want my kids growing up asking 'where's daddy?' or 'does daddy love us?'. They shouldn't have to ask but if they were too then what would I say? 'Daddy does love you baby.' Or 'I'm sorry, your daddy got me pregnant then changed his mind about you guys.'. Hell no Marcus! I'm not putting MY KIDS through that. But your right sorry won't bring them back. But let me say I'm sorry. Sorry that I laid on my back for you!" Less then .34 seconds after the words flowed from her lips a heavy blue vase came crashing against the wall behind me. The vase barely missed me gracefully grazing my shoulder ever so lightly.

"I love you! But I also hate you at the same time. You make me crazy, angry, sprung, and sad all at the same time but I can't get enough. You don't know how bad I wanted those kids. I really did want them but I didn't and just couldn't allow them to grow up like me, without two parents. I had none and I wanted my offsprings to at least have both since they loved each other. Well at least I think they do. It's not that I didn't love them enough to keep them and raise them alone. I couldn't do it alone! I don't even know the first thing about mother hood but I was willing to try. I was all good until you expressed your true feelings about your unsureness then it had me thinking. If you weren't there then it would be me raising two babies alone. I know I can't and I'm not capable of doing that. Marcus you don't know how much I miss them! I miss feeling them kick wildly! I miss feeling them shift around in my stomach. I miss that but I just.... I JUST GOT THE DAMN ABORTION! IM SORRY!"

Then she broke down. She dropped to her hands and knees letting all her raw emotions spill from her eyes. Slowly her hands moved to her now flat stomach making her cry harder at the realization settling in.

"I'm so sorry!" I whispered kneeling to her level. Her red puffy eyes soon made contact with my big teary brown ones. She just nodded,

"I know your sorry. But like you said, sorry doesn't bring them back." She quoted letting her drop and more tears fall. What's done is done and there's no way to bring my babies back.


"Ughh!" I yelled shooting up from my bed. I looked around confused. Nothing seemed misplaced or out of order. All except the fact Aaliyah wasn't in the bed or the room. Her side of the bed hasn't even been touched. Where the heck is she? Better yet, what the hell kind of dream was that?!


Did I fool you!? Did you think it was real??? Y'all were about to sucker punch Aaliyah dead in her face weren't y'all? Lol don't worry I would too. I was getting mad just writing it and I teared up!




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