Just Around The Riverbend- I Mean, Corner

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As we reached the long, dark hallway, the Doctor asked, "Alright. Which way did the Daleks go?"

"Umm.... I think they went down that way," I responded, pointing to the right.

"Fantastic," he cried. "ALLONS-Y!"

"Excuse me?" Aida said.

"It's French. It means 'Let's go'," he explained.

"I see," she said suspisiscoiusly.

I get that she didn't trust the Doctor. I was just unsure why. And, like she said, how could I be sure that I had never met this man? After all, he did know my name. But so did she.

"Shush!" said the Doctor. "I found them!"

"We're not talking! You are!" Aida snapped, curt as always.

"Well you're talking now, aren't you?"

"So are you!"

I rolled my eyes at their petty arguments. "Guys, seriously. Just be quiet. Don't want to get terminated."

"Ex- terminated!" The Doctor and Aida said in unison.

"Same difference. At least you two agree on something."

They looked at each other with surprise.

"Whatever. Let's just find those..... Maleks and get out of here." Aida said, breaking the silence and purposely forgetting to remember the name of the Daleks.

"Daleks. With a 'D'," The Doctor corrected.

I smiled, glad to see they were back to normal. We walked down the long, silver hallway, until we heard a the metallic, faraway voice of a Dalek. As we followed it,

"I have pinpointed the exact location of The Doctor."

"What? That's not right, I've got the ring on......" The Doctor said, tapping a golden ring on his finger.

"Tell me. Where is the Doctor?"

"Ah, that should do it! They think I'm back in the room where I found you two..." he said, beaming the ring with his... 'screwdriver'.

"Shut UP! Do you want them to find you???" Aida said irritably.

"According to my sources, The Doctor is.... just around the corner."

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