
38 6 13

Title: Bully

Author: xXxDreamWeaverxXx

Genre: Short story (general fiction)

Title: Okay, so this title isn't the most original but, (and I know I say this about lots of books I review but...,) it's still very eye catching. 9/10

Spelling/Grammar: I only saw one word miss-spelled!!!! That's really good!!!! 10/10 (because it was just 1 error)

Cover: The cover is simple, but it gives you a good vibe of the character in the book. This may sound weird but, the look the person was giving in the cover, looked very broken and hurt. This goes perfectly with the book. 10/10

Description: The description is only one sentence but it makes you wanna say "oh, that looks interesting. I'm gonna click that." So kudos to you for that! 9/10

Book Review: This book is honestly so sad😭😭😭

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Book Review: This book is honestly so sad😭😭😭. I really feel for the victim and it makes me so mad that people these days actually do this kind of stuff. The author did an excellent job writing this book. I especially liked how the beginning started off. I love this book and YOU WILL TOO! Please read this book, especially if you are getting bullied right now. 8/10

Who loves pit bulls!? Cause I do!!!!

Ugh...i have three stories to review rn and I-myself, am very impatient so, i hate keeping these people waiting. SO SRY!!!!

(Btw, I found this cute pic in pintrist. Also, for now on, I'm thinking on getting pics like these and using them as a sign off. HOW CREATIVE OF ME!? Jk, I've seen someone ndo this, I just rlly like the idea)

 HOW CREATIVE OF ME!? Jk, I've seen someone ndo this, I just rlly like the idea)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

My pintrist is Be_Queen

SO...u CAN follow me and I'll follow u back!!!!!

*throws cotton-candy*

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