Chapter Eight

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The days were now being able to be counted down on one hand.

Five days left.

Today, she was going to go with Grant to buy her bridesmaid gifts and his bridegroom gifts. She was excited because she always loved window shopping through the mall.

She waited for him, as always, on the front porch, even though it was winter. She sat there, admiring the beauty of nature. She took it all in, knowing that not too long from now, she wouldn’t be sitting here.

The way the icicles lightly drizzled because they were beginning to melt, calmed her. She let her mind wander back. It went back to the days when she was younger and played in the snow with her sister. It went back to the days when they had Christmas. It went back to the days when she said she wanted to marry her Daddy; when he was her prince.

Tears started to form in her eyes, but she quickly wiped them away when she saw Brant coming up the driveway. She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind and set her mind on the day ahead.

She knew her old life was growing short, and that was the one thing that did frighten her. But she was ready to move on and become a woman.

The overwhelming colors brightened Tabitha’s mood as soon as she stepped food in the mall. There was tinsel strung upon every elevator and store. The greeters were all very cheery and would wish everyone a Merry Christmas followed with a hug.

Grant grabbed Tabitha’s hand, and they were off to all the stores that awaited them. She would take a look at each store window they passed. Each store had, not if many, but at least one thing that urged on the Christmas mood. Every now and then, a store that they would come to, made Tabitha feel thankful for everything she had.

They finally came to a store that Grant was satisfied with going into to find his gifts. They began to search, and not long after, they settled with a gift set that included a pocket watch, pen, and tie.

They then proceeded on to go find Tabitha’s gifts for the bridesmaids. As they were walking, they came past Kay’s and Tabitha saw a couple looking at wedding rings.

She then remembered when they had been surveying the rings, also.

They had been dating for about six months, and Grant had taken her shopping for the day. They were only walking around, not very interested in purchasing anything from a store, but she had come by this same store, and wanted to go in. The store clerk asked them if they needed any help, but of course, they told had told him they were only looking.

Tabitha still remembered to this day that when she had turned her head, she could see the man wink at Grant, as if he knew something bigger would happen between them.

They did not stay in the store for long, but during the time they were in there, Tabitha had found the one she liked the most.

It was a gold band and had a diamond in the middle of it. Simple, but beautiful. The engagement ring next to it was also very beautiful. It was a half-carat with silver trim and three little diamonds on each side.

Grant had known by the look on her face that was the ring that she wanted if something ever did happen between them. And Tabitha hoped that since the engagement ring she had was the same she had picked out then, he had the wedding ring that matched it. But she cared nonetheless. She only cared about being able to get married to him.

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