Perfect match

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Dr. Fatima stepped out of her car and adjusted her veil before walking into the Usman's residence. "Assalamu Alykum(peace be upon you)" she said boldly walking in. The sweet smell of Bakhoor(incense) hit her nostrils. A Lot has changed since the last time she came here, it has been almost ten years.

Ammi and her family that consisted of her husband, three daughters and one son had been living in Nottingham for almost a two decades now until they decide to come back to Nigeria and embrace their mother land and it's cultures.

She walked upstairs looking for her cousin. A melodious voice hit her ears and she stopped dead in her tracks. It was a beautiful Qira'a (recitation) of the holy Quran. She was mesmerized by the angelic voice. She smiled, the voice was too beautiful to be true.

"Marhabah da (welcome) Ammi" a familiar voice broke her out of her revere. She turned to the voice and smiled.

"Yawwa Deeje (thank you)" she was engulfed in a somewhat uncomfortable hug.

"Bismillah" Deeje said gesturing her guest to follow her. She led her to the small living room upstairs. 

The two elderly women sat down and exchanged pleasantries. They started catching up about their families and friends and what went down when Ammi was away but all Ammi could think about was the voice she heard.

"Where is this lazy child?" Deeje said "excuse me" she said standing up, she went to the door and started yelling "Jalilah!" a voice answered and she came back.

"Mtseww! Wallahi the girl is very lazy" she huffed.

Ammi looked at her cousin and shook her head. She had always had such flair for drama. The name Jalilah sounded familiar to her ears but she couldn't place it. "SalamAlykum ina wuni(good evening)" She heard a small voice greet.

"Lafia lau" she answered smiling at the petite girl. Her hijab covered her face so, Ammi couldn't see the girls face.

"Go and bring refreshments for our guest" Deeje order the girl.

"Ok mommy" she replied leaving the room.

"Where are the kids?" Ammi question. The house was awfully quiet.

"There are in Qur'anic school. They will be back any minute now" she replied her smiling.

A minute later, Jalilah sauntered back with a tray of drinks and snacks. She felt the visitor's eyes on her. She was a shy girl and didn't like the attention so she kept her face down.

"Jalilah?" She heard the woman call. She set the tray down and slowly raised her face to meet the woman's gaze.

"Yes?" She answered meekly.

"MashaAllah you have grown into a beautiful woman. How old are you now?" Ammi asked smiling

Jalilah gave a small smile and answered "nineteen"

"I know you don't remember me but the last time i saw you was when your dad and dejee got married. You were nine then. You and my Haneefah became instant friends" Ammi said smiling brightly. She could not believe how the time flew by.

Jalilah smiled recalling who Haneefah was "I remember now. How is she?" She asked politely

"She is fine. She will becoming back to the country in two months InshaAllah" Ammi replied. Jalilah was a respectful young lady, she thought.

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