A New Day

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I wake up yawning. As i do every morning. I never seem to get that much sleep at night. " damn nightmares" i say to myself. I can never sleep well. "Well at least i get to see beth today."

I say out loud. What time is it anyway. I look at the clock to see its 3:15. "Oh shit i was suppose to meet beth at school to pick her up! Shes gonna freaking kill me for being late!"

I hurry to get dressed grab my car keys and hurry to the school.
As i pull into the parking lot i see beth siting on the steps to the middle school building. I stop in front of her. I open the passenger side door for her starting the process of kissing ass.

She gets in the car shutting the door. Then it happens she unloads her unholy fury on me.
" You was 30 minutes late! What in the hell was you doing?! Skylar how many times are you gonna be late to pick me up. You could have at least called me to tell me you was gonna be late."

" I know beth i know. I'm sorry i over slept again. I had another nightmare last night. i honestly didn't get that much sleep. I should have called you to tell you. Anyway how was ur last day of school? I'm sure u must have at least some fun."

As i was driving us to my house for her to spend the summer with me. I noticed her zoning out like she had a lot on her mind. i was scared to know what it was incase it was something that was bad. As her best friend i never wanted her upset or mad. I always wanted her happy.

" Beth you know u can tell me anything right. Im here for you if you need me." She looks at me and smiled. She was always pretty with her reddish dark brown hair. She was short but i never called her that. I was called her fun sized. She was a good friend and still is.

" Skylar i know you worry about me but I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind right now don't worry okay lets just have a great summer together."

Little did we know that this summer was gonna be one we never would forget.


So i hope u guys enjoy the first chapter most of these chapters wont be that long so ill try to upload two chapters a day I'm posting just this one today cause its so late but ill try to have two up tomorrow

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