Half Way There

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Skylars Prov.

I stop at a little gas station. Im getting to tired. I need some energy drinks if i wanna be able to continue to drive us to St. Louis. I go in and leave beth in the car asleep with the doors locked. I dont hardly ever come around here. I dont trust no one around here. I grab four monsters. Two for me and two for beth.

I know she'll want one when she wakes up. I pay for it and the store clerk was telling me some weird thing have been going on in St. Louis. Which makes me kinda wanna just call work and ask if they need me to go to Seattle again.

Beth would like it there better and we wouldnt have to deal with "weird things" going on. I sigh looking at the clock on my phone. 12:50 great only like two hours to go i think. I tell the clerk to have a nice night and make my way back to the car.

Its times like this im glad i brought my hunting knife with me because as i walked outside and seen some guy around my car looking inside it. " hey! Get the hell away from my fucking car." he turns around and looks at me with a smirk on his face. " Now now dont get all pissed i was just being a little nosey. Whats ur name cutie?"

I think to myself that this dude must have me fucked up i reach for my hunting knife in the back of my boot and pull it out. "I dont fuck around when it comes to my car and my bestfriend in it. Dont be stupid i may seem weak but im a tough bitch and i will fucking kill you if you try to hurt me or even try to get into my car to her."

He raises his hands in surrender and sighs. " Look im not gonna hurt you or her. Im sorry if you thought that. Where you heading to?. I just need a ride to St.Louis." In my mind im cussing myself cause what im about to tell this dude is probably gonna be a fucking mistake. " Me and her are heading there to but i was thinking about turning around and just taking a flight to Seattle."
He looks at me kinda weird but shrugs his shoulder.

" why would you go to seattle?" I hesitate to tell him for work but do it anyway. " I go there sometimes for work. Seattle has a great lab and different thing for astronomy. I work in the astronomy business its fun getting to do something i love so much."

I put my knife back in my boot forgetting i still had it out. I guess going ahead and going to St. Louis wont be so bad. I unlock my car and look at the guy infront of me. " Get in ill take you to St. Louis." He smiles and gets in waking beth up. I curse to myself as i get in.

"Skylar whos that?" i was about to tell her what happened but before i could say anything he interrupted me " Names Carson. Skylar was kind enough to let me ride with yall to St. Louis." I thought for sure beth was gonna turn to me a smack the hell outta me. " Skylar. You sure you want him to tag along. I mean im not judging your taste in guys but dont you think hes a little out of your league." I stare at beth extremely pissed off at what she just said as i hear carson laughing his ass off in the backseat.

" beth you are such a bitch sometimes! But i love u lots hun. Just dont say that shit again." I pull out of the gas station and get back onto the main highway to St. Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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