those crazy saturday nights (would be nothing without you)

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Lauren huffs and swallows the lump on her throat after she checks the time. Keana is an hour late and hasn't texted or called her, hasn't even answered the two texts Lauren sent her half an hour ago.

It seems pretty official to her now that she got stood up, but Lauren tries not to cry at that. The tears she feels pricking at the corners of her eyes are just angry tears for having had her pride hurt, nothing else. Nothing close to hurt, not in the slightest.

(If she keeps thinking like that, maybe Lauren will convince herself of it.)

She coughs and clears her throat when one of the waitresses comes to her table and asks her if she'd like to have anything else. Lauren had only ordered a latte a while after she arrived, when she started doubting if Keana would come at all.

Well, now she knows.

Lauren thanks the waitress and sighs, giving her the money for her latte. Then, the raven haired girl gets up and walks to the exit, a little impressed that the coffee shop is still open at eleven PM. Then again, that's why Keana suggested it in the first place; she likes to go on dates at night, while Lauren likes to go to coffee shops. Well, that and the fact that Keana isn't out to anyone but her friends, another reason for Lauren to agree to go somewhere far from campus.

Lauren doesn't think Keana cares that much about the time or people's opinions now, though. She doesn't understand how someone who has been her friend for a long time can just go AWOL on her without as much as a text. And that's when Lauren starts to worry. Maybe something happened?

Lauren mind races as she grabs her phone from her back pocket to text Keana's roommate and ask her if she knows anything. She's opening her texting app when her notifications flash on the screen, showing her that she had a text from Keana herself.

K-bae (11:02 PM): sorry laur i got hung up w/ smth lol raincheck?

Seriously? After an hour of waiting, this is what she gets? Lauren feels her throat closing again, but this time her tears really are out of frustration. She has known Keana for a year, which is the time they've been in college, and she's crushed on her for a while now, but she hadn't had the guts to ask her out until a couple of weeks ago.

But now? Now Lauren is just pissed. She's also broke, but it's dangerous at night, so she took an Uber to get there, since she doesn't own a car. Now she would have to take another one to go back to campus, all that money wasted for fucking nothing.

So Lauren just huffs again and wipes at the tears that escaped her eyes. Then, instead of answering, Lauren opens her Uber app. Her fingers hover above the option she usually chooses as she debates whether she should get an UberPool. It's not as comfortable or safe, she supposes, but it's cheaper... Maybe it was time for Lauren to try it out.

After all, didn't Lucy warn her about Keana when Lauren had first befriended her? Hasn't Alexa always said Keana isn't a nice person? Hell, even Ally has talked shit about her one time or another. All of Lauren's friends had warned her about Keana, but she didn't listen. Keana had shown herself to be a shitty person multiple times, like when she pretended not to be her friend in front of her old crush, then cried about him on Lauren's shoulder. Or when she invited Lauren for a party and ditched her as soon as they got there. Keana had mistreated her time and time again, yet Lauren continued to be her friend and didn't care about what anyone said.

(Blinded by her crush, she guesses.)

Yeah, Lauren wouldn't give her any more of her time, wouldn't spend any more money on her. It's about time that Lauren lets go and maybe being stood up was just what she needed.

Lauren feels herself getting choked up again, feels the familiar burning in her eyes and decides it right then: she calls for an UberPool. Then she waits and a few minutes later she unlocks her phone again, wondering where the hell was her car. The app says it's going to pick another person up, and Lauren starts to question her decision, fidgeting under a light post in front of the coffee shop.

those crazy saturday nights (would be nothing without you)Where stories live. Discover now