Blood Ice Cream

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I'm so bored so I'm just gonna write another chapter....cause I can.

Edit: OMG my writing is terrible XD

I wake up from the birds chirping outside of my window and the loud ass alarm. A pillow gets thrown at my face,I groan."5 more minutes...." Another pillow.
"Uhhg fine...I'll get up!" "Hurry up (Y/N) I don't want to be late again!"
I jumped out of bed and get dressed and brush my teeth,etc.
"Why can't it be the weekend already?" I pout. "Well it's Thursday so we are almost there." Becca says trying to make me feel better. 'Yay.'I think sarcastically.
I sigh,walking to class with Becca,when we are right outside the door the bell rings. "NO!!!" We yell in unison. "Late again." The teacher raises his brow. "Oh come on we were right there dude." Becca groans.
"That's sir to you!" The teacher scolds. 'Tomorrow there is a test so I have to make sure to study' Becca and I sit in our seats and the teacher starts today's lesson.

*Time Skip brought to you by,America,make it dank again*

I wait for Becca to gather her things so we can go hang out at the ice cream place with Yuki and her friend,Hero...I think...No,Zero....yeah that's his name. "Ok let's go,they are waiting at the front of the school." I hurry Becca up.  When we reach the front gates I see Yuki waving at me and Zero glaring at a distance. 'Ok,then.'
"Alright,let's go now everyone!....Zero come on."
Zero jumped out of his train of thought when he heard his name called. Yuki smiled and started to skip all the way there.

*Time Skip Brought To You By Markimoo's Glorious Hair*

When we were at the ice cream place,I kept getting this weird,someone watching me. 'It's probably just nothing.' I brushed the feeling off and focused on eating my (favorite flavor) parfait.
But every once in a while when I'm talking with my friends I see something...or someone...out of the corner of my eye. "Hey (Y/N),you seem distracted." "What...oh! No I'm ok,just thinking about how good this would be with m&ms in it." I lie. She seems to not buy it,but doesn't talk more of the subject. "So do you need help studying?" Yuki asks. "Yeah,it's kinda difficult to get the equations correct...I don't know how to set them up or something." I replied,hoping she would help me. "Well,me and Zero could help you if you'd like." "Yes! You're a life saver Yuki,thank you!" I hug her happily. "No problem (Y/N),anything to help!" She returns the hug.

*Time Skip Brought To You By Jackieboy's Stylish Ripped Jeans*

We all head back to the school and have had a long ass day,so we all go back to our dorms,since Becca wanted to go to sleep as fast as she could,she went ahead of me.
While I was walking I saw something horrifying...

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