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He landed at Hiryu aircraft carrier safely. Commander Naga met him as soon as he got down from his transport and whisked to the main briefing lounge where he was greeted by a group of young Kamikaze pilots fresh from Okinawa.

His Old Kamikaze Headband which he inherited from his commander and ex-training officer: Chief Commander Hiro and his newly found aura earned him the respect of the raw recruits.

His past performance especially his bombing skill was recorded and accepted as one of the practical alternative technical protocol of the Kamikaze pilots.

No spare moment was wasted.

In fact right from the moment he stepped into the briefing lounge : lectures and demonstration using models were used to stress points of great interest, which spelt the penalty of death if ignored.

After all, these were trained Kamikaze pilots who would not hesitate to slam right onto the target of no return.

After the third days of intensive drills, the Kamikaze pilots were allowed six hours break giving them the quiet moment to contemplate their missions and scribble messages to their loved ones back home.

Feeling contented with his achievement so far,  Captain Yamaguchi to spend some relaxing moment in the canteen located on the third deck below the flat top and ordered his meal.
He was joined by Commander Naga.

After a socializing meal,  they left the canteen hall,  walked along the passageway leading to starboard and smoked a branded American cigarettes which was not only smelled so good but also invigorating.

Sometimes it made him wonder how on earth they ended fighting the American when the Japanese was so fond of American goods, including American Lucky cigarettes and American Halloween lanterns

They might be better off trading luxury goods than deadly bombs and bullets.

It was Commander Naga who prompts some disturbing news,  "I am sorry to hear of your loss! "

"Umm.. What do you mean? "

Commander Naga puffed his smoky cigarette before he continued, "About your squadron leader,  Chief commander Hiro. "

"What about him? "

"Didn't you know what happen to him?" asked Commander Naga, There was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Forgive me Commander Naga. I have not heard of him since he left for his last mission three days ago, " replied Captain Yamaguchi, "How was he? "

Commander Naga gripped both his shoulders and shook him a little, "Captain Yamaguchi, Chief commander Hiro was killed in action seven days ago. He was shot down over Brunei Town when he led his squadron to clear the beachhead for our glorious invading marines from the Gurkha defence! "

Captain Yamaguchi's mouth opened and his half burnt cigarette fell from his lips onto the steel deck before plunging into the raging waves.

It was a blow to him.

"It can't be. I saw him returned back from the Battle of Brunei. "

"No. He didn't make it. His plane crashed onto a fuel storage tank, engulfing him in fire. He died of honourable death, " explained Commander Naga, “I was there: I saw him and heard his battle cry as he sacrificed his life for the Emperor! "

Suddenly Captain Yamaguchi began to feel cold as if he had just returned from hare hunting in the middle of winter.

For a moment, he was speechless.

The news was too much to bear: his head suddenly felt heavy and dizzy, both his extremities experienced strange sensation radiating to his nave,  rising up his goose hairs.

His knees gave way and only the railing kept him from toppling over.

He just could not believe it: he had seen, meet and spoken to a ghost! "

Commander Naga tried to comfort him but as he held his friend's shoulder, Commander Naga felt a strange sensation travelling up his hand,  radiating to his back before going to his mind: telling him all that had taken place at the private cabin of the late Chief commander Hiro.

It was a kind of weird and creepy feeling that kept his goose hairs rising.

Taking a seat near the ammunition crates,  they unwind themselves from the weird experiences.

It was commander Naga who broke the silence, "Whatever it is,  you must respect his last wish and make sure the Old Kamikaze Headband is returned to his ancestor's shrine! "

"What will happen if I got killed in this war and would not be able to honour his last wish? "

"Don't You worried about that for he would not ask you if you would not make it home."

Captain Yamaguchi took a deep breathe before exhaling it slowly, wondering what he meant by make it home..

He rubbed his hands slowly but forcefully and closed his eyes in silent prayer but even with eyes closed, the face of his dead commander remained engraved in mind.

THE OLD KAMIKAZE HEADBAND Where stories live. Discover now