Chapter 12

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Louis Pov








That small word that Harry said will haunt me for the rest of my life. I mean of course, we were never officially dating but he basically implied that he didn't have feelings for me. And ya I know that if he had feelings he couldn't say them out loud or admit them... It just made me upset.

It was the end of the concert and since Harry said "no" he hasn't even glanced at me...and I hated that. I just wanted to go home to our flat... He couldn't ignore me there.

Harry Pov

I was spending the night at nialls. There was no way in hell that I could be in the same house as Louis at the moment.

"And Harry why exactly are you sleeping at my place tonight?" Niall asked me laughing.

"I don't know mate." I lied chuckling. "I really don't know."

Louis Pov

I entered my flat and looked around. No sign of Harry. Everything was silent.



I called his name out multiple times and checked his room but he wasn't there. I decided to call up Zayn to see if he knew where Harry was.

"Hey Zayn."

"Louis! Hey!"

"Um do you know where Harry is? I mean he's not at home..." I asked.

"Erm, I think he said he was going to spend the night at Niall's place if I'm not mistaken." Zayn said.


"Oh ok thanks."

"No problem."

I hung up with Zayn and frustratedly put my head in my hands.

Why me?

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