Rant #2 (not swim related but yolo)

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So yeah.... the skinny jokes. Look, I realize I'm super skinny, like it is NOT an average look for a fifteen year old, but I KNOW how skinny I am and I don't need people rubbing it in my face.

I never asked to weigh ninety something pounds, I eat as much as I can, I literally can't help it.

Like seriously, I got called anorexic by somebody a while ago (no I don't know his/her name but it happened)

And seriously, for somebody MY weight and age, it's an offense to me when somebody jokes about my weight. It's like telling an overweight person their fat. Like, it's not a good feeling.

I'm self concious about my body as it is I'm fr.

You might as well tell me "hey in case you didn't get the memo, your skinny af and you need to eat"

Like I fucking know, just mind your business and shut tf up about it.

You know what, it's life and I understand that completely, but it's become and issue and I'm tired of it.

I mean Jesus, just stop the skinny jokes.

I'm not putting this to make y'all feel sorry for me. I just seriously had to rant about it...... sooooo YOLO have a good day

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