#9 Brad Imagine For tradleysmoothie

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"Brad, where’s the snow globes??" you called up the stairs. "WHAT YA SAY BABE?" he shouted back down. "Snow globes?"

“Have a look in the tree decor box, they might be in there!” You rummaged about in the box but the snow globes weren’t in there. “Babe, I’ll be outside if you want me, putting up the lights”.

You pulled on your jacket and mittens, grabbed the lights and opened the door. You stepped out and and tried to slip the fairy lights over the porch. Large fluffy snowflakes fell from the sky, covering the layer of snow already on the ground. Brad slipped out the door, you quickly ran behind the large tree in your front garden. You gathered up some snow from the ground and moulded it into a ball. Take aim, FIRE!!!! The snowball hit him straight in the chest. He spotted you and started running at you. He chased you around the garden both of you squealing really loudly. Thud. You landed face first in the snow. “Oh my God, babe are you alright?” Brad said running over to where you had fallen. “let’s go inside, I’ll make hot cocoa” Brad helped you up and you went to the door hand in hand. It was nice to be back in the warm. Brad came through with the cocoa and sat down. You rested your head on his chest, “I love you” he said gazing into your eyes. “Love you too” you whispered in reply.

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