Not just a Cat-sitter

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Me: Hello everyone! As you can tell by this story, I have played and am still playing Mystic Messenger. I am a big fan and I am now in Yoosung's route, second to the last route and then 707 is my last one.

But I have been shipping JuminxJaehee after hearing their relation and after playing Jaehee's route and seeing how Jumin reacts when she left him.

Hope you enjoy!

Jaehee: Disclaimer, all characters belong to Cheritz... Do enjoy -bows-

It was just another working afternoon. Jaehee Kang was working on some reports for her boss, Jumin Han, Chairman of C&R International. She was flipping through papers, reading and analyzing them carefully, making sure nothing is misspelled or misunderstood for Jumin. She sighs in exhaustion, due to having no sleep since last night, after going through paperwork on a new weird project Jumin made for his cat, Elizabeth 3rd.

"I better get these to Mr. Han..." She thought and stood up and walked to the door to his office. She gave it a knock and went inside. She coughed a little to signal Jumin that she was coming in and she just stepped in, closing the door.

"Mr. Han, I have the reports for this afternoon's meeting. I have rechecked them and they seem to be well written, so you would not have any worries." Jaehee said. Jumin was actually just standing up and looking out the window. He turned around to address her.

"Good, put them on the table and I will read them later." He said. Jaehee nodded and placed the reports on the table.

"If there is anything you need Mr. Han, just call, and if nothing, I will take my leave now. I still have to work on your project for Elizabeth" Jaehee said and turned around and walked to the door.

"Wait..." Jumin called. Jaehee stopped and looked at him.

"Yes Mr. Han?" She asked.

"Speaking of Elizabeth 3rd, I would like you to take care of her for tonight... I will be out of town with Father and his new girlfriend... It will just be one night, but I trust you more to take care of her." He requested.

Jaehee sighed and looked down. Here we go again she thought. Every time there was a business trip or and out of town thing, he tends to leave his cat with her. But things have been getting better with her and Elizabeth 3rd. She has been shedding less C-fur, which is good for her and her furniture. She looked back at Jumin and nodded.

"Of course sir..." She said

"Good, that is all Assistant Kang, I will be sending Driver Kim over to your house to drop her off"

She nodded and turned to the door and walked out of the room. She sighed and walked back over to her desk and table to continue her work.

Hours have gone by and she was finally home. She was not yet out of her office attire when her doorbell rang. She walked over and opened the door to see Driver Kim with a cat carrier. It must have been Elizabeth 3rd.

"Good evening Driver Kim, I hope the driver was no trouble to you" She said and took the cage and placed it down.

"No not at all Ms. Kang, I just came to drop off Mr. Han's cat here. Well, I will be off now. Have a good evening" Driver Kim said and walked off and Jaehee closed the door.

"Welcome back, Elizabeth 3rd" Jaehee said and Elizabeth just meowed. Jaehee opened the cage and Elizabeth just walked out casually. She then jumped on the couch and laid there.

"Just stay there, I will just change and I will come back to feed you, Okay?" She said and Elizabeth meowed in reply. Jaehee nodded and went to her bedroom. She then changed into a shirt and shorts. She walked out to see Elizabeth sleeping.

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