Kings of heart

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I embarked on a journey to four corners of the earth
Searching for true love and a soul mate
Searching for a Queen that could rule my heart
Searching for an angel that could shine her light in my dark world
Searching for someone that i could call my heart beat.

So i walked thousands and thousands of miles,  day and night
Until the day i will find you...
Then  i heard someone  shouting hey!! Fool why do you want to kill yourself cause of a woman?

I did not answer
He asked again
I did not answer...
Then i became speechless
Not because i was not able to answer the person
But it was because of you

Your presence was like a sweet summer breeze
As i stared in your gorgeous blue eyes that were sparkling like the deepest of sea,
With a body perfectly adorned
To top it all you had a smile of an angel, 
Then i said to myself ....

I have found the final masterpieces to my own world
I have found the person to plant a flame in my heart
And also bring peace upon my soul


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