group chat 2

10 1 0

Maddie_Ziegler - Anyone awake?

JoJo_BowBow - me!

Maddie_Ziegler - your always up though!

JoJo_BowBow - true

Brynnie - I am awake!

Maddie_Ziegler - haha! Hi Brynn

Brynnie - Hey Madison

Maddie_Ziegler - don't call me that!

Brynnie - just did!

JoJo_BowBow - BowBow is acting soo cute right now!

Maddie_Ziegler - show us a picture

JoJo_BowBow - I cant

Maddie_Ziegler - whyyy

JoJo_BowBow - because if I do she might wake up

Brynnie - Oh she is sleeping

JoJo_BowBow - yeah she is sleeping

Kenzie_Z - Go to sleep maddie

Maddie_Ziegler - you cant tell me what to do Kenz!

Kenzie_Z - TRY ME!

Maddie_Ziegler - OK!


Maddie_Ziegler - fine

JoJo_BowBow - My mom is making me go to bed, g'night everyone

Maddie_Ziegler - Night JoJo

Brynnie - Night

Kenzie_Z - Noche aka night in spainish

Maddie_Ziegler - you used google translate?

Kenzie_Z -  yeah! I wanted to be original

Maddie_Ziegler - classic Mackenzie

Brynnie - haha

Maddie_Ziegler - I am hungry.

Brynnie - same

Kenzie_Z - Maddie go downstairs and get food then

Maddie_Ziegler - it's to much work

Brynnie - your so lazy mads

Maddie_Ziegler - me and Kenz should go to bed, night guys

Kenzie_Z - night Brynn, night mads

Maddie_Ziegler - night Kenz, night Brynn

Brynnie - night

A/N wrote this on my tablet lol, anyways sorry this chapter sucks

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2016 ⏰

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