Chapter 2:

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It's been 2 weeks later and he's avoided everyone Tyler has just been hiding in his treehouse that he soon wants to burn and that treehouse has many childhood memories that Tyler had with Josh and he wanted to burn that too

Hes been getting alot of calls and text messages from everyone he knows but he didn't answer them.Most of them say "Tyler are you ok,"where are you","Tyler whatever is happening don't worry we'll fix it","we love you" and the most important one he got was from a fan from instagram with the username @dxstiny_11 saying "Tyler whatever is happening I just want you to know that the clique is here for you no matter what and remember to stay alive for us Ty I know you can do it.

Tyler read the one instagram message and wondered how that one skeleton clique fan knew

Out of all the messages he had from his mother,dad,siblings,family and wife he read that one message from one of his fans

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