Meeting him

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Hi my name is___________ and I'm happy because I got the chance to meet someone important for me,he's my favorite actor and he appeared in many movies and tv shows...they call him Boone but I decided to call him only Mark, he's the best.
-_________! Let's go baby,you don't want to be late in the meet and greet with Mark -my mom yelled downstairs as I closed my room's door.
I went downstairs and I left home.
During the road to the meeting,I was thinking about how it would be talking with Mark,maybe funny,maybe boring...I don't know...
When I arrived I paid to the driver and smiled. Then I got my ID for the meeting and walked to the big room,it was beautiful, a lot of fans wanted to meet him and I just wanna share a day with him.
-okay,all the people take a seat, please...Mark it's coming and he's happy to meet you...please keep waiting.-a woman with long black hair said. I started to worry,does he is okay? -I thought and then I looked around me,suddenly he appeared with his typical clothes:a gray shirt opened middle chest,his necklaces hanging on his neck,his jeans and his shoes. He walked smiling and waving his hand.
All the fans asked him for an autograph and pictures, I just wait for go by myself, I just wanted be alone with him.
It passed two hour and I started to fall asleep, when I heard a soft but raspy voice.
-Darling, wake up,it's over-I opened my eyes and he was there, caressing my hair with his big hand,tears started to roll on my eyes and he gave me a protective hug.
-M-Mark...-that's the only thing I said.
-I'm here,let me take you home.- he said with a worried face.
-no,I want to stay with you all day,I really love you...let me meet you...if you're agree. -I said as I pulled away from the hug.
-yes darling, I have the rest of the day. Let's go out together.- he said smiling and helping me to carry my backpack.
-what are you carrying in that backpack?
-food,clothes, a notebook and a book.- I answered.
We walked to his bike and he handed me another helmet.
-let's go baby,I'll take you to a special place for me here.-he said and I nodded.
I jumped in his bike and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
A/N don't forget to comment and vote. I'll update two chapters today.

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