Mission Gone Wrong

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A/N: Just a final warning that this is McCree x Hanzo (mchanzo) and will focus mainly on them. If you don't want to read it then you don't have to. I just figured some might enjoy the story.

Also, I know this might have some inconsistencies and unrealistic scenarios, but this is the future with robots, talking apes from space, and teleporters. Anything is possible.

I own nothing.

Missions were a common thing for the members of Overwatch. Nearly every week had a new mission that couldn't be ignored and left the Gibraltar base close to empty. Not to say it was rare that they got time to themselves, but Talon and other crooks made it very clear that they were going to take a day off when they were in jail or dead. Overwatch was all too happy to make that happen, discreetly or not.

Hanzo thinks that's why Genji asked him to join, because they needed more discreet on the team since most of the members were anything but. A loud, hulking German, a bubbly British girl, a talking ape of all things, and dare he forget the scruffy man shouting something about it being noon when it most certainly isn't. They had plenty of team members who did not fall under the discreet category. So he has to wonder about these things when he's asked to do a recon mission with one of the very loud members who couldn't be quiet if their life was literally hanging by a thread. And it's with the scruffy man no less.

Hanzo didn't know what to expect when they were given their missions in the conference room. He had been assigned to quite a few despite his joining only a few weeks ago, so he wondered what Winston would have him do next. He wasn't really prepared for the information he received, a recon mission overseas, but what was even more shocking was the partner going with him. Hanzo sadly hadn't been able to memorize everyone's names since joining, and this man was one of them. All he knew about him was that he used a gun and was what people called a cowboy, whatever that was. He thinks he remembers hearing something similar in his youth, but the memory is lost to Hanzo.

At least now he might be able to get to know the man a little better. The question is whether or not he'll want to.

"You'll be going to Indiana. Overwatch used to have a base a little north of the capital before most of it was destroyed. We're somehow getting alarms signaling trespassers, so we'll need you to check it out." Hanzo reads the file as Winston talks, noting how it says that the building should be inoperable. Something must be happening if they're receiving signals all the way to Gibraltar.

"Any idea what might be the cause of these signals?" Hanzo looks at the man, hat higher on his head than it normally is as he asks Winston. The scientist shakes his head as he points at the briefing files.

"As that explains it, we shouldn't be receiving anything from that base. Something must have messed with the computer system or tripped an old backup alarm. The reason I'm asking the two of you to go is because Hanzo is equipped for stealth and you've been there before." The man spares Hanzo a glance, one the archer finds a little more than friendly, and shrugs.

"A few times don't mean I know where ta go. That place has probably decayed and collapsed beyond recognition. But I don't mind a chance ta go outside. Stretch my legs." Winston grunts and pushes McCree's legs off the table, which the gunslinger smiles at.

"Then stretch your legs there, not on the table." McCree lets out a huff of laughter before turning to the assassin who still hasn't moved.

"Ready ta do this, partner?" Hanzo disregards the term just used and stands.

"Only if you do not do something stupid." He's already walking to the door when he hears a faint chuckle and the clicking of boots.

"No promises." What that even means, Hanzo has no idea. He doesn't know this man well enough to know the indication of those words. Whether he actually means it or if he's simply playing with Hanzo, and the archer almost wishes he knew. His earlier thought of maybe getting to know this man better is already seeming like a bad idea. He wants to squash it.

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