New Toys

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I'm bored of this boring place. There's nothing left to do. Everyone accepts their fate here. No one fights back anymore. The fear in their eyes is dull, despite never knowing who I am; who we are. Things are... dead here. And I do not like this one bit. 

"Hey, you haven't spoken in a while," I said, looking over to the man chained in the dark. He didn't bother to look up at me. "You're annoying me by sitting there quiet," I said, turning to face him. He gaze fell to my face. "You've gone and did it again," he mumbled. "You gone and fucked everything up." He shifted, the chains holding him down clanging together. I grinned brightly as I stood up. I walked over to him, bending to his level. "And you can't do shit about it," I said harshly. He spat in my face and I grabbed him by the throat. "Don't ever do that," I said with a small growl. "Things will change, that I can promise." 

The town was actually lively when I arrived. Everyone seemed to be quite happy to be out and about. People waved and said hello, welcoming me here. I had just gotten everything unpacked and was enjoying a walk. It was almost nighttime when everyone's mood shifted. They closed everything up tightly, suddenly becoming paranoid. As a superhero, that's not a good sign. I grabbed a young male dressed in military uniform. "Excuse me, but what's going on?" I asked. He looked at me, his gaze shifting from content to fear. "You're new, aren't you?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes, I am," I replied. He laughed a little bit. "Then you need to get out of here now. You, sir, are not safe from him," he said with a smile. "Things here work differently at night. If you're smart, you wouldn't be here. He likes to terrorize everyone, especially new people," he said, dropping his voice. "And you have caught his eye." He stared at me for a moment before turning to walk away. Something about the man was uneasy. Almost as if he was warning me, but from what? 

I didn't stick around to find out who he was or what he had planned. I planned to stay inside for the night, but around dawn I heard shrieks. I jumped from my couch to rush over to where I heard the screams.

I was too late.

This man had gutted a poor innocent person and left the body hanging against a hook shoved through the head. Blood splattered everywhere and I could hear faint laughing. I couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from, making me anxious. I looked at the still beating heart, desperately trying to pump blood, though there was no body to give the blood too.

I stepped back, horrified. I've never seen sight a site before in all my years of being a super hero. It made me nauseated to stare at it, yet it was so horrific that I couldn't look away.

I was about to leave when I saw it.

The message written in blood.

New toy

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